欧洲央行警告称,人工智能相关股票存在“泡沫”风险,如果投资者乐观预期落空,泡沫可能突然破裂。 据了解,欧洲央行在周三发布的半年一度的金融稳定报告中发出了这一警告。该报告列出了各种风险,包括战争、关税和银行系统脆弱性等。 欧洲央行指出,股票市场,特别是美国股市对少数几家被视为人工智能繁荣受益者的公司的依赖程度越来越高。 欧洲央行表示:“少数几家大公司的这种集中现象引发了人们对人工智能相关资产价格泡沫…- 390
医院 CT、磁共振、X 光收费将执行新规:手机不能看 CT 图像就要少收费
11 月 20 日消息,从国家医保局公众号获悉,近日,国家医保局印发放射检查类价格项目立项指南(试行),统一整合规范现行放射检查项目,让放射检查项目立项更清楚、收费更明白,也将推动放射检查价格趋于合理。 指南提出,促进人工智能辅助诊断技术进入临床应用。随着人工智能技术(AI)的发展,人工智能技术与医学影像的结合成为近年医疗领域的重要发展趋势。例如,人工智能技术基于大量历史病例的学习,能够辅助医生快…- 398
微软将举办大型线下黑客大会,400 万美元悬赏云计算与 AI 软件漏洞
微软宣布将举办一场名为“零日探索”(Zero Day Quest)的线下黑客大会,旨在鼓励研究人员发现影响云计算和人工智能工作负载的软件中的高危安全漏洞。 微软安全响应中心工程副总裁汤姆・加拉格尔(Tom Gallagher)表示:“这个新的黑客活动将是同类活动中规模最大的,我们将额外提供 400 万美元(IT之家备注:当前约 2893.8 万元人民币)的奖金,用于奖励对高影响力领域,特别是云计算…- 654
谷歌成立 2000 万美元基金,支持利用人工智能促进跨学科科学突破
谷歌慈善部门 Google.org 在首届“人工智能促进科学论坛(AI for Science Forum)”上宣布设立一个 2000 万美元(当前约 1.45 亿元人民币)的基金,用于支持学术机构和非营利组织利用人工智能技术推动跨学科领域的科学突破。 根据官方公告,谷歌将与内部人工智能团队及外部专家合作,遴选受益机构,并提供总价值 200 万美元的 Google Cloud 积分和技术支持。 这…- 707
谷歌前 CEO:AI 性能将继续高速增长,潜在威胁不容忽视
近期有传言称包括 OpenAI、谷歌和 Anthropic 在内的顶级 AI 实验室在开发先进的 AI 模型方面遇到了困难。这些报道将原因归咎于缺乏高质量的训练数据,导致收益递减,进而使得继续投资变得困难。 对此,OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 和 Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei 均表达了不同意见。Altman 在社交媒体上发布了一条神秘的信息,暗示“不存在极限”…- 504
Artificial Intelligence Think Tank Network Launched in Beijing by Baidu, Crypto, Huawei, Ant, Tencent and Ali
据中国信息通信研究院今日消息,2024 年 11 月 12 日,人工智能智库网络在中国人工智能产业发展联盟第十三次全体会议上正式宣布成立。 人工智能智库网络由百度发展研究中心、北京快手科技有限公司、北京智谱华章科技有限公司、北京智源人工智能研究院、华为战略研究院、科大讯飞研究院、联通数据智能有限公司、蚂蚁技术战略与执行部、煤炭科学研究总院、清华大学人工智能国际治理研究院、腾讯研究院、中国电力科学研…- 366
Generative AI market is expected to surge to $57.96 billion by 2028!
近日,商业研究公司发布了2024年生成式人工智能市场报告,显示该市场在过去几年中迅速扩张。根据报告,生成式人工智能市场预计将从2023年的136.4亿美元增长到2024年的181亿美元,年均增长率(CAGR)达到32.7%。这一增长主要得益于计算能力的提升、数据的广泛可用性、研发的不断深入、行业应用的增加以及深度学习的突破。 图源备注:图片由AI生成,图片授权服务商Midjourney 在未来几年…- 774
State-Level Legal AI Base Model Released: Could Significantly Reduce the Threshold for Public Legal Services
从央视新闻获悉,最高人民法院今日向社会发布“法信基座大模型”,这是国家级法律人工智能基础设施,也是法律行业的基座大模型。 据介绍,该基座大模型经过了海量、权威、高质量法律大数据与训练和增强训练,形成了很强的法律语言理解能力、法律文本信息抽取能力、法律逻辑推理能力及根据提示的文本生成能力等。 经过专业大数据预训练的法律大模型,不但可以理解公众非专业化的诉求表述,而且本身的回答也能具备相当的专业水平,…- 736
OpenAI Calls for 'North American Artificial Intelligence Alliance' to Compete with China
11 月 14 日消息,美国人工智能初创企业 OpenAI 近日呼吁,美国及其盟国应合作建立“北美人工智能联盟”,共同支持开发人工智能系统所需的基础设施,应对来自中国的竞争。 OpenAI 周三表示,美国及其邻国可以通过组建“北美人工智能联盟”来简化获取人才、融资和供应链资源的渠道,从而推动人工智能技术的发展。该公司指出,该合作模式未来有望扩展为涵盖更多美国盟友与合作伙伴的全球网络,其中包括中东国…- 1.3k
AI Impacts Construction: U.S. Private Data Center Construction Spending Surges to Nearly $30 Billion/Year, More Than Twice as Much as End of 2022
据彭博社 9 日报道,美国公司正大手笔投资数据中心,力图在人工智能领域中抢占先机。 根据最新的美国人口普查局数据,美国私人数据中心的建设开支已激增至每年近 300 亿美元(当前约 2153.32 亿元人民币),是 2022 年底 OpenAI 推出 ChatGPT 时支出的两倍以上。 如今,美国企业在数据中心上的建筑预算已超过了去年仍占据大量资本的类别,如酒店、零售和休闲设施等。 彭博社援引资金管…- 764
China's scientists use artificial intelligence to accelerate grape breeding, increasing efficiency by 400%
From the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Genomics official WeChat public number was informed that today "Nature Genetics" published online the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen Institute of Agricultural Genomics (Lingnan Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Laboratory of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen sub-center) Zhou Yongfeng team to use artificial intelligence to carry out the latest research results of grape breeding. The research will dramatically shorten the grape breeding cycle, and the accuracy of prediction of grape agronomic traits is as high as 85%, which is 400% higher than the traditional method.This research is expected to realize the precision design breeding of grapes, accelerate the innovation of grape varieties, and...- 844
AI Everywhere: Google to Introduce Artificial Intelligence for Chrome's Enhanced Protection Mode
AI is now "everywhere," says source Leopeva64 in a November 3 post on the X platform, and "Enhanced Protection" in Chrome's Safe Browsing Mode will be driven by AI, as Google has updated the description of the mode in the Canary release of Chrome. Google has updated the description of this mode in the Canary version of Chrome. Google has updated the description of the feature on the settings page. The description now reads, "Real-time AI-powered protection from dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions based on your browsing data transmitted to Google." According to MSPOW...- 1.2k
AI doctors are coming: British hospitals will use artificial intelligence to predict risk of fatal heart disease next year
Nov. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The NHS is about to trial a "superhuman" artificial intelligence tool called Aire that can predict a patient's risk of illness and premature death, according to TheGuardian. Aire The new technology, known as AI-ECG risk estimation, or Aire for short, is trained to read the results of electrocardiogram (ECG) tests, detect potential structural problems in the heart that doctors can't see and flag up areas that may need further monitoring,...- 918
5 Profitable AI Businesses You Can Start Today
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly moving from novelty to necessity, and businesses around the world are racing to incorporate AI into their operations. The potential for AI to reshape industries and create entirely new revenue streams is undeniable, and here are five ways to turn the AI trend into a profitable business. Start an AI automation agency An AI automation agency works directly with companies to integrate AI into their existing workflows. It will help clients automate repetitive tasks, improve decision-making through data-driven insights, and realize new efficiency gains, cost savings, and productivity improvements. Companies urgently need to automate... -
U.S. Artificial Intelligence Security Strategy Recognizes AI Cannot Be Stopped
November 2 news, according to foreign media forbes report, late last month, the Biden administration's first national security memorandum on artificial intelligence revealed some important content: the government acquiesced in the development of artificial intelligence is not only vital to U.S. national security, but also is unstoppable. Rather than calling for a "pause" or slowdown in AI development, the memo focuses on how to support and protect U.S. AI infrastructure. Perhaps most telling is the memo's reference to meeting AI's enormous energy needs. Advanced AI models require huge amounts of computing power, which translates into huge amounts of... -
Microsoft and a16z set aside differences to join forces against AI regulation
Recently, a group of tech giants and venture capitalists issued a joint statement opposing SB1047, a bill introduced by California Senator Scott Wiener. The bill, which aims to strengthen the regulation of artificial intelligence, has sparked strong opposition from the tech industry. Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, founding partners of Andreessen Horowitz, along with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith ...- 1.2k
Ren Zhengfei's latest talk: the world's trend toward artificial intelligence is unstoppable
The official website of International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) in China has released the content of the symposium between Huawei Founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei and ICPC chairmen, coaches, and award-winning contestants, which took place on October 14 this year. During the discussion, in response to questions from contestants from different countries, Ren Zhengfei talked about the characteristics of different countries, and also expressed his views on artificial intelligence, young people's entrepreneurship and other topics. Some of the main points of the talk are as follows: I support electronic exams, which are available in all corners of the world, and you can use various ways such as computers or other tools to help you solve problems. Acknowledging his learning...- 1.4k
Director James Cameron Talks AI: Hoping to Push the Boundaries of Filmmaking Technology Again
On October 25th, SCSP's (Special Competitive Studies Project) Artificial Intelligence + Robotics Summit was held in Washington, D.C. on October 23rd, local time, with a video message from renowned director James Cameron. James Cameron doesn't consider himself a researcher or expert in AI, but rather a storyteller with a strong interest in AI and robotics. He plans to apply AI to "storytelling" and hopes to be able to do what he did when he...- 1.8k
Conversation with Yuval, author of A Brief History of Humankind: we need to prevent AI from getting out of control and make sure it's in line with human values
The "2024 ESG Global Leaders Conference" was held on October 16-18 in Shanghai. Sina Finance's European webmaster, Hao Qian, had a conversation with Yuval Huraly, a renowned historian, philosopher, and author of "A Brief History of Humankind" and "Homo Sapiens". Yuval believes that the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is a major challenge facing humanity. But the idea that AI can benefit humanity is undeniably equally valid. When asked what role AI should play in a sustainable society, Yuval says that if AI can be prevented from getting out of control and ensured that it can...- 1.6k
.ai domain name sells out, Anguilla makes a windfall of $32 million in 2023
With the artificial intelligence industry hot, AI domain names have also become a new favorite, including .ai suffixes and other natural trading focus. According to the Associated Press reported on October 16, the .ai domain name sellout also for a small island in the Caribbean -- Anguilla brought a fortune. Query public information was informed that Anguilla (English: Anguilla) is one of the 14 British Overseas Territories, located in the northern part of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea, with an area of 91 square kilometers, became a British colony in 1650, and then went through a series of twists and turns in 1980 to become a single... -
Microsoft and KT Telecom Announce KRW 2.4 Trillion AI Partnership in Korea
Microsoft and South Korean telecom company KT Corp. announced a partnership at the end of September, committing 2.4 trillion won (currently about 12.528 billion yuan) over the next five years to boost AI, cloud services, and infrastructure development in South Korea. The two companies plan to roll out customized AI models based on Microsoft's multilingual GPT-4o in the first half of 2025, leveraging KT's datasets around Korean culture and industry. The models will be used for KT's internal and consumer-facing applications, such as customer service chatbots, and can also be used to provide... -
YouTube launches "Shot with Camera" label to "authenticate" real videos
Oct. 16 (Bloomberg) -- YouTube is rolling out a new "Shot with Camera" tag to indicate whether an uploaded video was shot with a real camera and has unaltered picture and sound. Digital content authentication service Trupic has uploaded a video to its channel showing the new "Shot with Camera" label in action, which appears in the video description panel, and Trupic says it's "the first real video on YouTube with C2PA content credentials. Trupic says it's "the first real video on YouTube with C2PA content credentials. YouTube relies on the Content Source and Authenticity Alliance (C...- 1.3k
Chinese Academy of Sciences uses artificial intelligence to discover the smallest planet so far closest to its host star
Oct. 14 (Bloomberg) -- An international team led by Professor Jian Ge at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has developed a deep-learning algorithm that combines GPU phase-folding and a convolutional neural network, and discovered five ultra-short-period planets with diameters smaller than the Earth and orbital periods shorter than a day in the stellar photometric data released by Kepler in 2017. Four of them are the smallest planets ever found closest to their host stars, similar to the size of Mars. This is the first time that astronomers have used artificial intelligence to search for suspected signals and identify real ones in one go. The related research results were published...- 2.3k
Meta Chief AI Scientist LeCun: AI Threat to Humanity Theory is Total Bullshit
Yann LeCun, Meta's chief artificial intelligence scientist, said in a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal that concerns about the threat of AI to human survival are "complete B.S." LeCun is a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, having won the Turing Award and currently serving as a professor at New York University and a senior researcher at Meta. LeCun is a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, winning the Turing Award and currently serving as a professor at New York University and a senior researcher at Meta. He has previously stated on social media that we need to figure out how to design a system smarter than a house cat before worrying about controlling superintelligent AI. LeCun picked up on...- 1.5k
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