You.com: a private AI chatbot and search engine offering privately customized AI conversational search engine
You is an AI conversational search engine that helps users skip the tedious process of searching the web for questions and get to the answers in one step.You uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand and process users' questions, and searches for and organizes the answers in real time for users. You can switch or add new assistants with different problem-solving modes, such as faster, more reliable responses, responses that favor research areas, more in-depth study and comparison of the problem, more creative and imaginative responses, etc. You, like Poe, also integrates many well-known, former...- 5.9k
You.com hopes to differentiate itself from Google by becoming an AI search engine that solves complex work queries
Computer scientist Richard Socher conceived of You.com while a PhD student at Stanford University, but shelved the concept between 2009 and 2014 due to Google’s dominance. With the development of prompt engineering — the method of creating inputs for generative AI tools to produce desired outputs — and advances in natural language processing, Socher and co-founder Bryan McCann realized that search could evolve to provide summary answers, and Google…- 4.1k
You.com launches custom assistant feature, allowing users to create their own personalized AI assistant
Palo Alto-based startup You.com today announced the launch of Custom Assistant, a breakthrough feature that allows users to create personalized AI assistants using top language models (LLMs) like GPT-4o, Llama3, and Claude3, all within a single interface. This major leap forward for conversational AI aims to make powerful language models more accessible and adaptable to individual needs. “This launch puts this technology in the hands of every user, allowing them to train AI for their own applications,” said You.com founder…- 2.3k