Real-time interactive digital human live broadcast, intelligent interactive system, digital human short video creation
Services we provide
Digital Human Short Video Service
Through the Monster Digital Human platform, you can generate copywriting with one click, select materials with one click, quickly generate short videos, and publish them to media platforms with one click.
Corporate promotion services
Monster Digital Human Platform is a 24/7 assistant for enterprises, formulating strategies and content in an all-round way, effectively promoting and enhancing brand exposure.
Digital Human IP Customization Service
Customize personalized IP images, create IP stories, help brands go digital, and build brand influence.
Digital Human Live Broadcast Service
The Monster Digital Human Platform allows for personalized multi-platform live broadcasts, supports 7*24 hours non-stop mode, customized host images, and real-time interaction.
Digital human cloning service
Clone real-life images, create real-life avatars, replicate real-life expressions and movements, achieve multi-dimensional interaction, and create a unique digital human image.
Digital Human Promotion Service
Working non-stop 24/7, we provide full media coverage to explain and publicize corporate culture and stories, improve promotion efficiency, increase corporate exposure, enhance brand awareness, and enhance interaction between the company and users.