Vienna-based privacy advocacy group NOYB (None of Your Business) said on Monday it would targetChatbots ChatGPT existAustriaThey allege that the artificial intelligence tool, developed by OpenAI, "fabricates false information" and that OpenAI is unable to correct these incorrect answers.
NOYB said there is currently no way to guarantee that the information provided by ChatGPT is accurate. "ChatGPT has been making up information, and OpenAI can't even stop it," they wrote in a statement.
The group said OpenAI has publicly acknowledged that it is unable to correct inaccurate information produced by its generative AI tools and is unable to explain the source of this data and how ChatGPT stores personal information.
NOYB believes that such errors are unacceptable for personal information, as EU law requires personal data to be accurate.
Maartje de Graaf, data protection lawyer at NOYB, said: “If a system cannot produce accurate and transparent results, then it should not be used to generate personal data. Technology should obey legal requirements, not the other way around.”
NOYB said ChatGPT "repeatedly provided an incorrect date of birth for Max Schrems, the organization's founder," without informing users that it did not have the data. They added that OpenAI rejected Schrems' request to correct or delete the incorrect data, saying it was "impossible."
NOYB also said OpenAI “did not adequately respond” to Schrems’ request to access his personal data, again in violation of EU law, and that the company “does not even pretend to comply with the relevant regulations.”
The group, which has been a fierce critic of tech giants since its founding in 2018, has asked Austria's data protection authority to investigate and fine OpenAI to bring it into compliance with EU law.