How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

Family, I've beenLittle Red BookI found a super powerful monetization track!

This account currently has 23,000 followers, 847,000 likes and favorites, more than 250 business orders in total, 25 orders per month, and a cash flow of over 5,000. It's really outrageous!This should be the most stable case of receiving business orders among all the accounts I have analyzed, no doubt about it!

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

In our common sense, it is appropriate to accept 10-15 photos for one account. Accepting too many photos will affect the account. But this account directly breaks our cognition.The average monthly fee is over 25, and I receive calls almost every day.It's really incredible.

1. Account Analysis

I will analyze the reasons behind the success of such accounts from three perspectives: account positioning, content format, and user perspective.

1. Account positioning

Account location:novelThe updated content is all about the materials needed to write ancient Chinese novels, and the content is deep and vertical. And the tone of this account is very consistent, the account cover style and content theme are all elegant ancient style filter style.

This is very worth learning for new students who are operating Xiaohongshu accounts. Don’t switch content and tracks frequently. Because the platform will slowly label your account before pushing it to the target user fan group.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

2. Content format

On the cover of each note, the theme of the note is highlighted in large fonts, so users can see the content they are interested in at a glance, click to view and comment. The content of Xiaohongshu is in the form of waterfall flow, so the cover is very important, which is different from Douyin and Video Account.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

3. User perspective

Xiaohongshu users are mainly young women, and there is a large group of people who like to read and write ancient Chinese novels. Therefore, if there is such an account that can keep updating materials in this area, the likes and collection rate will naturally be very good, the user stickiness will also be high, and the interactive data will be good, and the platform will also push more traffic accordingly.

This account thinks completely from the user's perspective, updating corresponding content based on what they like to see and delivering useful information value. I believe that the blogger also combines his own interests and existing knowledge to use AI tools to assist in creating so many high-quality note contents.

2. Practical Tutorial

The production tutorial is divided into 3 steps:

1. Use Kimi to produce copywriting content

2. Use AI tools to create content basemaps

3. Use Kehua for graphic layout

1. Use Kimi to produce copywriting content

Enter the prompt word, set a role for Kimi, and let it list the content themes of 100 ancient Chinese novel materials for us.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

Select one and let Kimi help us write the detailed note content.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

2. Use AI tools to create content basemaps

Now that we have the content, let's create the base map for the notes. Referring to this benchmark account, we found that the base maps are all in the Chinese style of illustration. You can choose Midjourney raw pictures or domestic AI painting tools.

I recommend a few: Stack Friends, Toast, Liblib, Unbounded AI, Haiyi AI, and Vega AI.

Here I will use Toast AI to show you how to do it. Open the website:

If you choose Chinese style, you will be shown a large number of Chinese style works created by other people.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

Choose some works that are more suitable, create a second work based on them, and click to make the same one.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

On the raw photo page, you can fine-tune the prompt words, such as hair color, makeup, clothing and other keywords. You can also choose not to modify, click on the raw photo, and click Download and Save if you are satisfied with the photo.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

3. Use Kehua for graphic layout

For graphic and text typesetting, you can use Gaoding Design, Meitu, Huangyou Camera, Kehua, etc. Here I will use Kehua for demonstration.

Open Kehua and click Create Design - Xiaohongshu Post

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

Upload a base map and add text and text effects.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

Add image filters to make it more in line with the ancient style.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

Add the main text content, set the text effect, and lower the transparency of the background image. Do the same for other images. Click the download button in the upper right corner to save after checking.

How to create illustrations for novel materials on Xiaohongshu? Newbies can quickly get started with AI tools

For this kind of graphic and text content, in addition to Xiaohongshu, you can also post it to Xiaolushu to earn the main income from the public account traffic.

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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