Yokosuka City, Japan, tries to publish English information by "AI Mayor" for tourist guides

according toJapanKyodo News reports that the city of Yokosuka in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, announced yesterday, the 23rd, local time, that it will try to use generative AI to create a virtual doppelganger of the city's mayor, Katsuaki Uedji.Have them present a summary of the regular press conference in fluent English and release information.

Yokosuka City, Japan, tries to publish English information by "AI Mayor" for tourist guides

I don't speak English," Katsumi Uedji said at a press conference.But with AI it's possible to convey ideas. It would make a great sightseeing tour if I could post information as if I were talking to myself!. "

It is reported that the "virtual mayor" first need to use generative AI to learn the mayor's real expression, tone, movement, etc., the goal is to create a virtual doppelgänger that is "exactly the same" as myself. Output content.Mayor's press conference summarized and translated by ChatGPT will be proofread by foreign staff.After the text is entered, it takes about 10 minutes to generate about 2 minutes of video. After the text has been entered, it takes about 10 minutes to generate about 2 minutes of video.

The "virtual mayor" doppelgänger was created using video-generation AI startup "The Virtual Mayor" in Los Angeles, California.HeyGen"Tools provided. About 10 days after the press conference, officials will begin uploading and posting videos. It is planned that the "AI Mayor" will also be used to disseminate disaster and tourism information, as well as peace messages, to overseas countries.

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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