Altman "personally promotes the product", and it is reported that OpenAI recommends ChatGPT Enterprise Edition to hundreds of Fortune 500 executives

According to Reuters,OpenAI CEO Sam Altman hosted hundreds of executives from Fortune 500 companies in San Francisco, London and New York this month. Alterman, along with other OpenAI executives, has provided AI services to organizations in these locations, in some cases going head-to-head with its "gold master" Microsoft, attendees said.

OpenAI has caused an explosion in generative AI with its consumer products, and this latest move now signals OpenAI's quest for new revenue streams from global companies. In the last week alone, there have been two meetings in the U.S. and one in London, England. Participants said thatAltman spoke directly to more than 100 executives at events in each city, pitching its own products.

Altman "personally promotes the product", and it is reported that OpenAI recommends ChatGPT Enterprise Edition to hundreds of Fortune 500 executives

At the event, Altman and OpenAI COO Brad Lightcap demoed their own products, including ChatGPT Enterprise Edition, and OpenAI made a commitment to business executives toChatGPT Enterprise Edition does not use customer data to train its models.

OpenAI executives highlighted a range of applications, such as call-center management and translation, when talking to potential customers, including finance, healthcare and energy. They noted thatThe consumer version of ChatGPT has been adopted by more than 92% Fortune 500 companies..

ChatGPT Enterprise Edition not only provides unlimited and fast access to powerful GPT-4 models, but also allows for more in-depth data analysisTo help organizations understand information quickly, users can also ask ChatGPT more complex questions.

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