How to keep the character consistency in ChatGPT drawing

Today I'm going to teach you how, in 3 minutes, to useChatGPTGetting the character consistency right!


  1. ChatGPT Paid Account
  2. It is possible to communicate in Chinese without much effort!

Then let's get started!

Step 1: Find the GPT

Go to the GPT store and in the search bar type "Consistent Character GPT

How to keep the character consistency in ChatGPT drawing

It's got to boxthis

This is the normal process of finding GPTs in the GPT store, but of course, you can alsoClick [link (on a website)Direct jump (open scientific internet first, then click jump)

Step 2: Generate a role

Click on "Click here to start creating character designs" after entering the GPT interface.

How to keep the character consistency in ChatGPT drawing

Then there will be a series of preset conversations

How to keep the character consistency in ChatGPT drawing

You can communicate in Chinese all the time.

I have to marvel at the convenience of ChatGPT, it's really cool!

Next enter the main event, describe the character you want to generate, here I recommend that you try to be as detailed as possible, if you do not know how to write, you can refer to my requirements description

How to keep the character consistency in ChatGPT drawing

Describing the characters is very important, the more detailed the better! I've posted the requirement text here

Age: 25 Country: Northeastern China Hairstyle: Long black hair Wear: Black casual hoodie, light skinny jeans, sneakers Body: Height 170 cm, well proportioned, tall, big boned Skin: Healthy wheat color Face: Light make-up, smile Full body

Needs attention:

Make sure to add "Full body" to your prompt. If you don't specify it, the AI will just generate a face.

How to keep the character consistency in ChatGPT drawing

After the request, GPT will generate a picture, this will have to be fixed by yourself later

Generate more poses

How to keep the character consistency in ChatGPT drawing

The GPT will then go on to ask you: what would like to change in each image? Example:

  1. express one's feelings
  2. movements
  3. posturing

I chose 3 poses, and then the GPT will continue to ask you what poses you want, just make a request as if you were chatting

A few points to note

  1. Don't expect to get good results every time. Generate multiple times until you get the desired result.
  2. If the character is different from the original character, ask the AI for the seed number of the original character and instruct it to use that seed number in subsequent generation.
  3. Avoid using commands such as "face left" or "face right", as the AI is prone to misalignment and may rotate the image sideways.
  4. This GPT app is only available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers who pay $20 per month.

Character consistency can be applied to fast drafting graphic design "A character from a game, anime or manga.". This consistency will allow creators to easily generate different poses and expressions without having to redraw the character each time.

There's always someone carrying our weight. Last year.AI GraphicsCharacter consistency is also particularly difficult, many people beg their grandparents to learn SD with the "big brother", half a day's hard work to get the consistency of the face, this year, using Chinese to communicate with the GPT, 3 minutes to do it.

Highly recommend anyone who has ChatGPT Plus to give it a try, it's strong and fun.

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