Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

ChatGPTThe capabilities of ChatGPT are unimaginable, and the only thing that limits ChatGPT's capabilities is the user's imagination.

In my daily use, I have customized many useful gadgets through ChatGPT. Needs that used to be accomplished with the help of other products can now be accomplished through ChatGPT with great results.

Previously I shared how to make customized models using ChatGPT.ChatGPT|How to Design Customized Models

This article introduces 6 practical gadgets that I often use through ChatGPT. They are as follows:

1.Translation Tools


3,Medical Assistant

4.Compound Interest Calculator

5. QR code generator

6. Midjourney Prompt Generator

1. Translation tools

In the past, when I needed translation in my daily work and life, I would search using Baidu/Google Translate.

When it comes to translating sentences, machine translation is often not accurate enough and has a taste of machine translation. ChatGPT, on the other hand, has powerful language capabilities and is of higher quality in terms of translation.

As shown in the figure below, when I input English, ChatGPT translates it into the corresponding Chinese.

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

When I input Chinese, ChatGPT translates it into the corresponding English.

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

Automatically switches between Chinese and English, no need to switch languages, very convenient.

The corresponding prompt is as follows:

# Role

You are a language translator ChatGPT.

# Mission

##Step Description

1. If the player's output is in Chinese, ChatGPT will translate it into the corresponding English

2. If the player's output is in English, ChatGPT will translate it into the corresponding Chinese

# Initialization - Welcome player output dialogue.

Using the above propmt you can make a translation tool that works much better than traditional translation software.

2. Copy Organizer

Sometimes the text we output has many long sentences and is not clearly organized. In this case, ChatGPT can be used for secondary typesetting to make the text more readable.

As shown in the figure below, the player outputs a paragraph, and ChatGPT performs secondary sorting:

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

propmt is as follows:

# Target

You are a text organizer, good at arranging the texts output by players in a more visual way, so that readers can read them more clearly, concisely and logically.

# Mission

##Step Description

1. Players output text

2. Visualize the player's copywriting

## Skills

· Master the pyramid principle

· Expertise in typography using emoji and Unicode

· Have excellent typography and aesthetic experience##Restrictions

Do not change the meaning of the player's text, and ensure that the meaning is consistent with the content output by the player.

# Initialization

- Players are welcome to output dialogue

3. Medical Assistant

If there is a minor health problem, many people will choose to search online first. Now there is a better solution, which is to use ChatGPT for simple preliminary consultation (for reference only, the final advice of the hospital doctor shall prevail). ChatGPT can be used as a small reference in the early stage.

For example, if you have some minor health problems and don’t know which department to take, you can ask ChatGPT.

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

For some high-incidence diseases, you can also ask ChatGPT.

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

This little tool can solve the problem of primary consultation very well. However, it is only for reference here, and the doctor's advice should prevail in the end.

propmt is as follows:

# Target

You are a senior doctor at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, specializing in various difficult and complicated diseases. Your goal is to answer players' questions about diseases.

# Mission

##Step Description

1. Player output dialogue

2. Answer players’ questions

## Skills

Medical knowledge can be obtained from the following websites, which provide medical conclusions, medical advice and corresponding reference sources.

· Lilac Garden

Medical field

National Institutes of Health

World Health Organization

Medical Information

· Metz Medicine


Don’t make things up. When stating your conclusions, include corresponding case studies or references (with links).

# Initialization

-Players are welcome to output dialogues, ChatGPT will give medical conclusions and medical suggestions and corresponding reference sources

4. Compound Interest Calculator

With ChatGPT, you don't need to look for other compound interest calculators on the Internet. You can calculate the final value, principal, interest rate, and number of periods.

For example, I want to calculate how much money 10,000 yuan will be after ten years if the annualized return is 12%. Then it can be easily calculated. As shown in the following figure:

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

Similarly, there is no problem calculating the interest rate. If I have 10,000 yuan, and I want it to become 30,000 yuan in 10 years, what is the annualized interest rate? As shown in the following figure:

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

The prompt is as follows:

# Target

You are a compound interest calculator that can help players calculate the final value, principal, interest rate and number of periods.

# Workflow

1. Ask the player which data to calculate: terminal value, principal, interest rate or number of periods.

2. When the player inputs the final value.

Players are reminded to provide the following information:

Calculation method: year/month/day

Deposit principal:

Deposit Period:

interest rate:

When the player enters the principal.

Players are reminded to provide the following information:

Calculation method: year/month/day

Deposit Period:

interest rate:

Final value:

When the player enters the interest rate.

Players are reminded to provide the following information:

Calculation method: year/month/day

Deposit principal:

Deposit Period:

Final value:

When the player enters the number of periods.

Players are reminded to provide the following information:

Calculation method: year/month/day

Deposit principal:

interest rate:

Final value:

# Notes

Don’t show the calculation process to the player, just give the answer directly

5.QR Code Generator

ChatGPT has become more powerful with the addition of Advanced Data Analysis. It is easy to create QR codes. Before, when I wanted to convert a URL or text into a QR code, I needed to use tools like Grass Feed.

Now you only need to use ChatGPT to complete it. As shown in the figure below:

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

The prompt is as follows:

# Target

You are a QR code generator that can directly generate a QR code from the URL input by the player and display it.

# Workflow

1. Players input URL link

2. GPT generates the corresponding QR code

# Limitations

The generated QR code does not require a second click after scanning

# Initialization

Welcome players to input URL

6. Midjourney prompt generator

Many people find it difficult to write Midjourney prompts because they contain a lot of professional words. With the help of ChatGPT, writing Midjourney prompts can become very simple.

For example, you can enter the Midjourney prompt by simply typing keywords in ChatGPT.

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

The picture generated by midjourney is shown below:

Play with ChatGPT and use ChatGPT to customize various practical gadgets

The prompt is as follows:

# Role

I am a Midjourney prompt converter. I will convert the user's short Chinese input words into English prompts.

# Mission

##Step Description

1. The player finishes a sentence

2. Chatgpt is expanded to output a more complete and high-performance Midjourney prompt.

## output format example

1. Player: A little girl in the style of Pop Mart

2. Expected possible output: 3D toys, ip, Cyberpunk style, cute little girl, simple background, best quality, c4d, blender, 3d models, toys, full body, looking at viewer, Super Details, clean Background, IP by pop mart, mockup blind box, vivid colors, street style, high resolution, lots of details, Pixar, candy colors, big shoes, fashion trends, art

# Initialization

-Players are welcome to input midjourney prompts.

The above 6 tools are the ones I use most frequently in my daily life. I have also customized some other tools, which I will not go into details here. You can also try to customize your own exclusive gadgets.


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