Ideogram AI: Free AI image generator, easy to design text and digital logos

Ideogram AI: Free AI image generator, easy to design text and digital logos

Ideogramis a free AI image generator, founded by former Google Brain researchers, and other AI image generator is different, its image generator has a unique advantage in generating images with text, good at generating text within the image (e.g., letters, numbers, etc. on the logo), you can customize different fonts, sizes, colors, styles to reliably render the image of letters, words and logos. Letters, words, and logos in images can be customized with different fonts, sizes, colors, and styles to reliably render letters, words, and logos in images. Other built-in preset styles include 3D rendering, cinematic, painting, fashion, product, illustration, conceptual art, ukiyo-e, and more, making it easy to create images with text, numbers, logos, and more in a single click, and registration is required to use Ideogram is in public beta, and has received $16.5 million in seed round funding led by a16z and Index Ventures. Ideogram has launched a public beta and received $16.5 million in seed funding led by a16z and Index Ventures. The beta is currently free and unlimited.

What can Ideogram do?

  • Generate images with text: Ideogram can reliably render letters, words and logos in images in different fonts, sizes, colors and styles.
  • Multiple Preset Image Generation Styles: Ideogram provides a variety of preset image generation styles, including 3D rendering, movie, painting, fashion, product, illustration, concept art, and more.
  • Customize text effects in images: Users can generate images on their website using several preset styles, most notably the "Typography" style, which allows for customization of text effects in images.

Scenarios for using Ideogram

  • Graphic Designers: Ideogram's text generation benefits may appeal to users such as graphic designers who need high quality images with text.
  • Creative Industries: Ideogram stands out in the marketplace with its reliable typography features, promising a place in graphic design and creativity.

Official website link: 

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