The 5 simplest ways to use GPT-4, ChatGPT domestic usage sharing!

ChatGPT4It is currently the most advanced natural language processing model in the world

Everyone knows ChatGPT4It works great.

Personally, I use GPT basically every day to look up information, write code and touch up articles

But in the country, there is a certain threshold for using ChatGPT4

The 5 simplest ways to use GPT-4, ChatGPT domestic usage sharing!

Threshold I

mo law issues

ChatGPT's website, which is not accessible domestically

I personally use, 20 bucks / month, is considered cost-effective, speed and stability is also good

Threshold II

ChatGPT plus membersPurchase issues

as far as sth is concernedopenai1TP 3Te5 1TP 3Tb6The company is prohibited from domestic card purchases

The 5 simplest ways to use GPT-4, ChatGPT domestic usage sharing!

Foreign address name and credit card required

That's going to be hard for the 99%'s.

Of course, if you're out of the country, it's no problem.


If you want to use ChatGPT4.

There are five current solutions:

  1. external (affairs)virtual cardrecharge (money onto a card)
  2. Apple Gift Card Recharge
  3. ChatGPT Carpooling
  4. Casing ChatGPT
  5. round-the-world bus

Apple Gift Card

The 5 simplest ways to use GPT-4, ChatGPT domestic usage sharing!

Haven't tried it, currently it requires an Apple phone + foreign Apple account + available domestic multi-currency credit card

Purchase Gift Card Recharge

This is kind of more stable, but there's still a risk of blocking as well

The main hassle is that you need to get a multi-currency credit card, which some banks don't have, I personally got one from China Merchants

Try it if you have an Apple phone

Costs mostly in magic maybe 20 bucks a month

plus members: $20, or $145.

Total cost: $165

Foreign Virtual Cards

The 5 simplest ways to use GPT-4, ChatGPT domestic usage sharing!

I tried.

It's a bit tricky to operate, but the good thing is that you can use it even if you're in the country.

Opening fee: 165 plus membership: 20 dollars, and handling fee, which is about 155 dollars. Magic: 20 dollars.

Total cost: 240

Interested in trying:

ChatGPT Carpooling

What do you mean, "carpooling"?

It's just a guy who bought a GPT4 membership

A couple of people use it together, and then the cost is shared equally

Going to a third-party platform would cost around 50/month

The main drawback is that multiple users are easy to block and require magic just as much

Plus, ChatGPT4 can only be used 25 times every 3 hours, so it's easy for others to use it up.

Total cost: 20 + 50 = 70 dollars

Casing gpt

The cost of this is uncertain.

The main problem is that it's unofficial, the experience is bad and privacy is not protected

And a lot of the features of the official web page don't work

Sets of shells are generally used api, api's gpt4, the intelligence will be worse than the official online

round-the-world bus

Recommend one for your own use

Native chatgpt plus, direct on official

Very nice, similar to carpooling above

Solves some of the problems with carpooling though

  1. No magic.
  2. It won't be blocked.
  3. Official website direct use
  4. There is no limit to the number of times an account can be replaced after the number of times is used up.

Currently looking at their account pool there are 1000+ plus member accounts, so don't worry about counts and blocks

Sort of the most perfect solution for the use of ChatGPT4 in China at present

It's about the same as carpooling, but a little cheaper.

The 5 simplest ways to use GPT-4, ChatGPT domestic usage sharing!

Total cost: $68.88

For those who have ChatGPT4 requirements, try

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