The world's first feature-length film generated entirely by AI is sold out for its premiere

recently,HollywoodAn epochalcinematicFeast, the world's first movie made entirely ofAI-generated's movie Our T2Remake had its grand offline premiere in Los Angeles. The movie was created by 50 artists in the field of AI and is a remake of the classic movie Terminator 2. Tickets for the premiere were sold out at one point, generating a lot of attention and discussion both inside and outside the industry.

The world's first feature-length film generated entirely by AI is sold out for its premiere

A bold adaptation of the original Terminator 2, Our T2Remake ties the storyline and characterization to current reality, centering around OpenAI, ChatGPT and AGI. The movie's trailer has already crossed 30,000 views on Youtube, showing the intense interest in this AI-generated movie.

The behind-the-scenes production process of the movie is also coming to light. According to Little Red Book blogger "Junie", she is the production team of "Our T2Remake".onlyFemale member of the team, who has been working on the entire project since September 2013. The team members used their talents in completing various parts of the movie, including content chapters, posters, trailers, and sound production.

To complete Our T2Remake, the creators used a variety of AIGC tools such as Midjourney, Runway, Pika, Kaiber, Eleven Labs, ComfyUi, Adobe and more. The production team insisted on not using any footage, dialog or music from the original movie to ensure that the content of the film is completely original.

However, from the official trailer, the AI-generated characters' body movements and facial expressions are still incongruous, and the mouth movements appear mechanical. Compared to the traditional films currently released in theaters, there is still a gap in the realism of AI films in live action, and it is difficult to perfectly simulate human movements, expressions, and complex and subtle emotional expressions.

Our T2Remake captivated audiences with its unique creation method and AI-generated cinematic elements, while also provoking thoughts on the future direction of AI in film creation.

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