nijijourney: AI drawing 2D beautiful girl anime generator tool

nijijourney: AI drawing 2D beautiful girl anime generator tool

nijijourneyAn advancedAI PaintingSecond DimensionAnime generation tool that can draw customized anime illustrations based on the user's text prompts. Whether you want a cute Q-version character or a dynamic action scene, nijijourney can make your imagination become reality.

niji・journey is a deep learning-based image generation tool that can automatically draw anime-style illustrations based on the text description entered by the user. niji・journey uses the latest neural network model and combines Spellbrush and Midjourney's expertise in AI and anime to create a unique magic brush.

niji・journey is currently in beta, and users can experience its features by joining the official Discord server. In the Discord server, users can use the /imagine command to start the image generation task, and use the U1-U4 and V1-V4 buttons to adjust the generated results. You can also exchange ideas with other enthusiasts, share your works, give feedback, and get the latest project information.

niji・journey is not only an entertainment tool, but also a creative tool. Users can use it to create their own original characters, stories, scenes, etc., and use them for personal or commercial purposes (subject to relevant terms). niji・journey can also serve as a learning and inspiration platform, allowing users to understand the principles and techniques of AI and animation, and stimulate their own imagination.


  • Image generation: Simply enter a text description and niji・journey will draw an anime-style illustration. The text description can be anything, such as character image, clothing accessories, facial expressions, background environment, etc. niji・journey will generate matching images based on the keywords and semantics in the text description.
  • Image Adjustment: The generated image can be adjusted to achieve a more satisfactory result. The user can use the U1-U4 buttons to enlarge the image, or use the V1-V4 buttons to generate different variations. It is also possible to modify the text description or re-enter the /imagine command to regenerate the image.
  • Image Saving: You can save the generated image to your device or send it to a Discord private message. Simply right-click on the image or click the download icon (on mobile), or add an envelope emoji to the bot's message (on Discord) to save or send the image.
  • Image Sharing: You can share the generated images to the #gallery channel in the Discord server or other social media platforms. You can also give feedback and suggestions to the robot in the #feedback channel, or ask questions and doubts in the #questions channel.
  • Image licensing: You can use the generated images for personal or commercial purposes (subject to relevant terms). If you are a paid subscriber, you can enjoy more commercial rights and benefits.

Product Price

niji・journey currently offers two subscription plans: monthly subscription and annual subscription. Monthly subscription costs $9.99 per month, and annual subscription costs $99.99 per year, which is equivalent to $8.33 per month, saving 20% compared to monthly subscription. After subscribing, users can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Unlimited image generation
  • Private image generation pipeline
  • Image licensing for commercial use
  • Members-only image display area

After subscribing, users can cancel their subscription at any time, but the fees paid are not refundable. Users can use the /subscribe command to view available subscription plans or subscription services.

Official website link: 

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