High-priced AI courses target anxious workers

With the fermentation of the Li Yizhou incident, all kinds of AI training courses have surfaced.

Sora has not yet begun to open the test access to the public, the major platforms to teach you "how to use Sora", "how to use Sora to make money" courses appear in large numbers. Looking for business opportunities in the wave of AI is not wrong, but some people are taking advantage of the anxiety brought by AI to pour "water" into the course content, the price is not low.

High-priced AI courses target anxious workers

Source Note: The image is generated by AI, and the image is authorized by Midjourney

Li Yizhou selling class is not an example, some courses to "large factory employees" "highly educated talents" as a gimmick, packaged into a "reliable" model to sell high prices. In fact, most of the authenticity of the packaging can not be verified, the content of the water is very large, the same course, may be 2 dollars can be done.

The reason why selling lessons is so hot is that people are wrapped up in "AI anxiety". With "proficiency in AI tools" gradually becoming a necessary skill in the workplace, more and more people are beginning to recognize and learn about AI, creating an atmosphere of "the eve of great technological change", but the eve is actually still very long.

Hotter than AIAI Class

"OpenAI is not yet profitable, Li Yizhou has already made a lot of money." Some media cited Feigua data, 199 yuan AI course, Li Yizhou a year combined sold about 250,000 copies, revenue of 50 million yuan.

Soon, Li Yizhou overturned, "Netroots blogger selling class was shelved" news and even on CCTV.

The reason "overturned" is that Li Yizhou sold courses may be suspected of false advertising or consumer fraud. It is understood that Li Yizhou's video courses are mostly extremely incendiary text, full of emotion narrative, to create "everyone must study" "not to learn will be eliminated" atmosphere. At the same time, Li Yizhou boasted his title as a doctor of Tsinghua University and AI consultant of many companies also questioned.

In fact, Li Yizhou "cartwheel" behind the buyers of the course on the value of its high-priced launch of the course of skepticism. Some paid to buy lessons user feedback, "the course seems to be a total of 40 sections, most of them are very 'water', such as how to use AI to do the Excel table, or how to use AI to query you want to know the content. Each lesson is very short, and what is said is very basic, and it feels like some of the content you can brush up on just by brushing up on some other short videos."

Soon, Li Yizhou used to sell AI courses WeChat small program "Yizhou a lesson" due to violation of the "instant messaging tools public information service development management interim provisions" was suspended.

With the banning of Li Yizhou's course, the "Sora crash course" on the Internet, large and small, has been low-profile. Knowledge Planet, earlier a casual search will appear dozens of "Sora training courses", now empty.

Despite the reduced heat of Sora training classes, similar AI training courses are still hot on various platforms, with price tags ranging from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars, and of course, the quality varies.

The meta-universe daily explosion in the idle fish to experience a price of 2.1 yuan course, from the course catalog can be seen, the training content to how to use prompts to achieve the text writing requirements, including self-media operation, marketing and so on. In addition, there is a separate "English learning" module, teaching you how to use AI to do dialog practice, multi-language translation and learning English writing.

From the richness of the content, it seems like it's two dollars well spent. However, a closer look at the course content reveals why it's cheap. Most of the lessons are less than 15 minutes long and contain a lot of "watered down" words.

However, these single-digit price courses may seem conscientious compared to the $199 ones, but in reality there is no essential difference in the content. Similar to the "Li Yizhou incident", some courses are sold at a high price, and another factor is that they are packaged reliably. For example, some AI courses are labeled as "product manager of a large factory", "professional job search tutor", "highly educated talents from prestigious schools", etc., but many of them do not have a real name, and it is difficult to verify the title of the lecturer. The title of the lecturer is difficult to be verified.

The Workplace Anxiety Behind Learning AI

With the rapid development and iteration of AI products, more and more people have changed from resisting AI to accepting AI, and amidst the worries of "being replaced by AI" and "being replaced by people using AI", many people have started to learn AI or the skills of using AI tools to improve their competitiveness, which is one of the reasons why AI courses have become popular. This is one of the reasons why AI courses are on fire.

Liu Xin (a pseudonym), an employee of a large factory, told the meta-universe daily explosion that ChatGPT was trying to use ChatGPT to write code when it just came out. In addition to this, the use of AI to complete some simple, basic work, the effect is still very ideal, for improving work efficiency is very helpful." He said that the company has requirements for employees to be proficient in using AI tools, which has become a necessary skill for almost everyone.

According to Indeed, the world's leading job site in theup to dateThe published report, "RemunerationHighestHighest Paid Skills in Tech, job seekers with generative AI skills enter the market with a visible average salary increase of 47% compared to other candidates, and proficiency in generative AI skills has become a "must-have" for job seekers to increase their salary. ".

Domestically, "Proficiency in using AI software such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc. to produce high-quality text and graphic content to complete support work." Similar criteria have long been included in job requirements. Once upon a time, job seekers were only asked to "know how to use Word, Excel and other computer software," and this era of job seeking has gradually been replaced by the era of "AI office".

Just entered the workplace intern Zhao Jingyi (a pseudonym) told the yuan universe day explosion, at first she did not realize the importance of using AI, but the company's leadership is very interested in AI, "has been encouraging, requiring us to learn more fresh things." Rummaging through the Internet to learn for a period of time down, Zhao Jingyi found that will use the tools to work does have a certain degree of help. "For example, using ChatGPT to write a meeting notice, in the past it took about half an hour for me to write it by hand, but now it only takes a few minutes."

Zhao Jingyi believes that sometimes the AI tool is a "teacher" role, "for us to enter the field of 'white', it will build a good framework, to give you a head start, although sometimes the generated content is not ideal, but can quickly help me clarify my thoughts."

For "whether there is learning related AI courses", Zhao Jingyi think the course is useful, but in fact do not have to buy, "There are many free online learning resources, usually more look, more hands-on experience can learn almost, you can even ask AI directly how to use the tools. "

As Xiao Zhao felt during his internship, there are already many companies in China that require their employees to have the ability and awareness of AI office. The HR of a company introduced, "At present, the positions directly affected by AI are graphic design, basic programmers and text editors. However, it is far from the degree of 'replacement', and in most cases, we require the ability to use AI tools to complete or assist basic work."

AI anxiety is spreading to the workplace.

In a domestic e-commerce head of the company's work in the month Tong (a pseudonym) has to understand AI friends everywhere to ask "what in the end is the AI Agent", when the other side is curious about "you should not have long been used in a variety of AI tools," when she bluntly, "internal does roll, so we have to hurry to learn". "It's true that there are internal volumes, so I have to learn quickly. Two months later, she simply gave up her annual salary, not waiting for the year-end bonus to hand to jump ship to a start-up AI company, "while the industry is early, hurry up the transition, the old Internet company is still busy with the internal volume, AI in the internal in the end can be used to what extent, they may not have thought of themselves."

More than thinking about career trends, anxiety made the designer Le Le (a pseudonym) buy the course, "I'm the one who stepped on a lot of pits, buying accounts, enrolling in classes, learning all these have done, for fear that others will fall behind." After learning a circle concluded, "AI is very powerful, the important thing is how to use, optical common sense is useless, or have to see more tools, more use."

What's clear is that AI is increasingly in demand in office scenarios, and theWorkersdemandingFirstThe lesson might be "how to not just get wrapped up in anxiety."

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