Soft pornography, fake official accounts, and fake orders are rampant, GPT Store is "black from the start"

2024 has just arrived.OpenAIAnd that's when you hit the big one.GPT StoreIt's officially live.

Back on November 7, 2023, at the inaugural OpenAI Developer Conference, OpenAI Founder and CEO Sam Altman proposed the GPT Store concept, which was then scheduled to launch by the end of 2023.

But the joint board ousted Sam Altman and OpenAI co-founder and president Greg Brockman because of AI security issues that led to a coup for OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever.

After a series of reversals and behind-the-scenes conditioning by Microsoft, Sam Altman eventually returned to OpenAI. and the GPT Store finally appeared in front of the public after a 2-month delay.

Since ChatGPT revolutionized some of the workforce, the GPT Store seems to be revolutionizing apps.

Ordinary people can develop apps

Outsiders describe the GPT Store as Apple's App Store, believing that it may be the future download platform for all GPT bots. But the real GPT Store is not simply a software store, it has a broader imagination.

For example, replacing the App.

What does it take to develop an App in the current internet environment? A series of programmers such as product managers, developers, front-end, back-end, testing, operations, etc., and then after night and day for several months of hard work, finally develop the 1.0 version of the App.

But at the GPT Store, this process is infinitely omitted, and developing a GPT bot can take as little as one person and a few hours of their time, even if they don't know how to program.

The entrance to the GPT Store is within ChatGPT, and all of its features are attached to ChatGPT's vast computing power. Developers only need to enter the GPT Store, and then click on "+Creat" in the upper right corner to enter the creation interface.

The process of creating a GPT bot is very simple and easy, there is no need to have any programming skills at all, and it is very similar to using ChatGPT, you just need to enter the text under the GPT Builder query, name your GPT bot, which subject matter to focus on, what to avoid, and what kind of interaction to have.

Once everything is set up, select Save and Publish GPT to get your exclusive GPT bot on the GPT Store.

Soft pornography, fake official accounts, and fake orders are rampant, GPT Store is "black from the start"

GPT Store

This kind of expression in words only, without any specialized programming skills, ordinary people are alone in the development of software, undoubtedly kind of subversive moment.In just two months (including insides), over 3 million GPTs have been created on the GPT Store, and that number is spiking daily.

Meanwhile, in order to incentivize more ordinary users to develop their own GPT bots, OpenAI said that in this year'sFirstThe GPT Creator Income Program will be launched in the quarter. App creators will be paid based on how much users interact with GPT.

As for the exact amount of the incentive, OpenAI has yet to provide details on the payment criteria.

I have to say that GPT Store is not similar to App Store, it is more like a combination of a very easy software development platform + software store, which makes the development cost of apps infinitely less.

In the future the concept of apps may disappear and users will no longer need to download an app specifically for any one of their needs by simply utilizing ChatGPT.

By the time the GPT Store evolves again to go from PC to mobile, breaking the system shackles of Windows, iOS, and Android, it will be a revolution for all the App space.

The cottage is running rampant, a mess of chicken feathers

As good as the GPT Store concept is, it's still in the early stages of just being released.Although it allows ordinary users to experience the joy of developing apps with their own hands, the seemingly open and free GPT Store also means disorder and chaos.

In the early days of the launch, the download charts rankedFirstIn fact, it is a copycat version of the "New GPT-5" software, all kinds of software named after the official GPT are endless, and even "GPT-6" has come out.

Reacting, OpenAI began to clean up bots with official prefixes one by one, resulting in a number of auxiliary GPT bots being tragically mishandled.

Because the GPT Store list is sorted based on the number of conversation rounds each GPT has, which is a disguised version of ranking by clicks, as long as you've had more than three conversations with that bot, it counts as one valid use. GPTs that are used more and have more conversations are ranked higher.

And so."fraudulent order"Brush clicks" began to run rampant in the GPT Store, and a large number of grey industry chain companies began to brush orders in an organized manner. Some small users have also started mutual aid brushing groups, brushing each other's clicks to get more exposure.

At a glance, the GPT Store looks like a recently born e-commerce platform in China, where brushing is rampant.

In addition to maliciously named GPTs and swipe GPTs, the most popular GPTs are actually AI virtual girlfriends.

According to a foreign data company, of the top 30 popular chatbot apps that Americans download from the Apple or Google stores in 2023, a full seven are related to AI virtual girlfriends.

Soft pornography, fake official accounts, and fake orders are rampant, GPT Store is "black from the start"

GPT Store

Enter the keyword "girlfriend" in the GPT Store, and virtual companion robots such as "Virtual Sweetheart", "Your AI-girlfriend" and even "Your Ex-Girlfriend" will pop up. Your AI girlfriend" and even "Your Ex-Girlfriend" can be found in the GPT Store.

If you randomly choose a GPT bot to chat with, you'll receive erotically suggestive conversations like "What's your dream girl like?" "Share your darkest secrets with me" and other erotically suggestive conversations.

A chaotic and disorganized AI feature can easily be filled with vulgar content.

To prevent the GPT Store from degenerating into a pornographic chat room, OpenAI urgently issued a usage policy that explicitly prohibits GPTs from engaging in romantic interactions, and does not allow GPTs to be used for fostering romantic partnerships or engaging in regulated activities; GPTs with names that contain profanity or depictions of, or promote, graphic violence are also not permitted.

However, no matter whether it is GPT Store or ChatGPT, it is essentially a literate content platform, and "word game" is the most appropriate way to describe AI. Even if OpenAI prohibits the use of certain keywords, it does not prevent the gray industry chain with ulterior motives from converting prohibited words into words with similar meanings.

For example, replacing "girlfriend" with "sweetheart" will also bring up many AI virtual girlfriends with erotic hints.

Shanzhai number, zombie number, brush single, pornographic chat rooms ...... GPT Store, which was just born less than a month ago, has gradually fallen into the hotbed of the gray industry chain, and AI security has become a hot word that has been brought up again by the public.

AI security is still a big issue

Within days of the GPT Store's launch, the chaotic and unorganized state of the store has led UN Secretary-General Guterres to call on governments and the business community toleaderPrioritize a global strategy to address the twin threats of artificial intelligence (AI) and climate change.

In a speech at the Davos Forum, Guterres warned that the rapid development of artificial intelligence could lead to "serious and unintended consequences".

And it's no longerFirstSub-OpenAI raised the issue of AI security in March last year, when the Italian Data Protection Authority accused OpenAI of violating the EU's data protection laws ;and

In April of last year, the Canadian Data Protection Agency officially began an investigation into OpenAI, which the agency said had collected and used users' personal information without their consent; the

Last July, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission began an investigation into whether OpenAI had harmed people by publishing false information and whether it had engaged in "unfair or deceptive" privacy and data security practices.

Last November, the United Kingdom held an AI safety summit, which was attended by government representatives and members of the tech community from more than 25 countries, including China. Participating member states agreed to establish an effective regulatory approach to AI by way of international cooperation.

Musk, one of the most active players in AI, has also said about AI safety:Before regulating AI, insight is necessary. In other words, the risks are confusing and the first step is to clearly identify and understand them.

Overall, AI security has become a critical issue that cannot be avoided at a time when OpenAI commercialization is raging.

Meanwhile, the chaos and disorganization of the GPT Store has increased the threat to AI security. And that's what worries Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's chief scientist who just delivered the coup de grace, the most.

With heaven on one side and hell on the other, OpenAI and its GPT Store are on the dividing line of destiny.

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