Using AI to replace "artificial algorithms" to improve the efficiency of customer access of China Railway Construction Materials Company 50%

On January 18, the Digital China Research Institute of the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences released the "Value Report of Security Technology in the Digital Era" to the public, and Beijing China Railway Construction Materials Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as: China Railway Construction Materials Company) has become a digital benchmark case by using security technology to prevent the risk of upstream and downstream collaboration in bulk trade. According to the reporter's on-site understanding, China Railway Construction Materials Company and Ant Ant Shield built an intelligent industrial risk control platform, which improved the efficiency of the industry chain's access to customers by at least 50%.

Using AI to replace "artificial algorithms" to improve the efficiency of customer access of China Railway Construction Materials Company 50%

(Photo: Lv Peng, Executive Director, Digital China Research Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

The base of the industrial risk control platform is the industrial data andAI ModelsBehind it, there is a set of "industry map" carrying 6,000+ industries, nearly 100 million enterprises, and 2 billion relationships, which can depict the relationship between enterprises in terms of supply and demand, production, and risk transmission from both macro and micro perspectives. The tens of thousands of risk factors accumulated by AntShield can be combined with the map to portray the risk portrait of the customers. At the same time, China Railway Construction Materials Company has injected bulk industry risk control standards and experts' experience to build a "more suitable" risk control model, which realizes the full coverage of customer access beforehand, risk assessment in the middle of the process, and risk disposal and early warning in the aftermath.

Bulk trade is an industry with a complex supply chain, large business volume and difficult to assess the risk, once the upstream and downstream run away, closure and other risks, which may bring millions of dollars of capital loss to the enterprise. The traditional practice of the industry relies on the experience of experts.SeniorThe salesman will have practiced a set of watching and exploring the field, asking around, checking the statistics of "artificial algorithm”.

Zhang Yupeng, party secretary and executive director of China Railway Construction Materials Company, said that in the past, there were fewer sources of information and the dimensions of risk measurement were not comprehensive enough. In addition, risks are subject to change, while manual survey results are relatively static. By the time a new problem is discovered, the risk may have already occurred. How to identify risks efficiently, accurately and dynamically by digital means is the key to solving the problem.

"Through the platform, we can first exclude the enterprises that do not meet the requirements when we screen the customers, and reduce the cost of offline investigation; for the customers who clearly want to cooperate, their credit limit also has a more scientific and quantifiable reference range; and for the customers who have already cooperated, we can observe the risk changes online, and adjust the cooperation strategy in time." Zhang Yupeng said, with AI technology to do support, the company's wind control ability to achieve rapid improvement.

The Value of Security Technology in the Digital Age Report points out that security technology and artificial intelligence are listed as the two general technologies of the future. Security technology will become a "public good" of society, and investing in it as early as possible will help grasp the initiative of emerging technology development and industrial iteration.

Public information shows that Ant Ant Shield is the security technology commercialization brand of Ant Digital Technology, relying on trusted AI, intelligent wind control and other technologies to provide a basis for wind control decisions for the physical industry. At present, AntShield has formed a full chain of risk control products and services, such as identity security, business security, industrial wind control, compliance security, etc. It has served more than 2,000 customers in dozens of industries, such as finance, bulk trade, travel, and e-commerce, and has served hundreds of partners in more than 14 countries overseas.

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