January 30, 2011 - The Verge reported today that The Authors Guild, one of the largest writers' organizations in the U.S., has launched a new initiative: writers canCertify your own books as being created by humansinstead of AI generate.
According to 1AI, the program is known as the"Human Authored" (HAC) certificationThe aim is to help writers in the increasingly flooded marketplace of AIMake your work stand outand make sure readers know what books they are readingWho (or what) created it.
The certified books will be listed in a public database that can be accessed by anyone. The project was first announced last October in response to the influx of AI-generated books into online marketplaces like Amazon and its Kindle e-book platform.
Currently, certification is only available forWriters' Guild members and single authorsworks, but will be expanded in the future to includeNon-members of the Association and multiple authorsBooks of creation. To obtain the "human creation" label, books and other worksMust be created almost exclusively by humansAI grammar and spell-checking software, however, enjoys "immunity".
Mary Rasenberg, CEO of the Writers Guild, said in a statement Wednesday, "The purpose of the 'Human Creation' initiative is toEnhancing transparencythat responds to readers' need for human emotion while celebrating the unique way humans tell stories."
She added: "Even if a writer uses AI for spellcheck or to do some research work, they can still be certified, but this certification means that theThe literary expression of the work, the unique voice of each writer, still comes from the human intellect. "