According to Xinhua News Agency, on the 10th, the Expert Committee of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on the Norms for Translation and Writing of Chinese in Foreign Languages considered and passed the 16th batch of 18 groups.Recommended Chinese translations of foreign wordsThe Chinese translations of the foreign words to be recommended for use are The Chinese translations of the foreign language words to be recommended for use in thisandAIInformation technology and other related fieldsThe words.
1AI is summarized below:
- AES:The full name is Advanced Encryption Standard, and the recommended Chinese translation isAdvanced Encryption Standard.
- AGI:The full name is Artificial General Intelligence, and the recommended Chinese translation isGeneral artificial intelligence.
- AIGC:The full name is Artificial Intelligence Generated Content, and the recommended Chinese translation isArtificial Intelligence Generated Content.
- GAI:The full name is Generative Artificial Intelligence, and the recommended Chinese translation isGenerative AI.
- GAN:The full name is Generative Adversarial Networks, and the recommended Chinese translation isgenerative adversarial network.
- LLM:The full name is Large Language Model, and the recommended Chinese translation isLarge Language Model.
- Symmetric encryption:The full name is Symmetric Key Encryption, and the recommended Chinese translation issymmetric encryption.
- Asymmetric encryption:The full name is Asymmetric Key Encryption, and the recommended Chinese translation isasymmetric encryption.
- MFA:The full name is Multi-factor Authentication, the recommended Chinese translation isMulti-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication.
- DA:The full name is Data Augmentation, and the recommended Chinese translation isdata augmentation and expansion.
- DMA:The full name is Direct Memory Access, and the recommended Chinese translation isDirect Memory Access, Direct Memory Access, Direct Memory Access.
- QC:The full name is Quantum Computing, and the recommended Chinese translation isQuantum computing.
- RDMA:The full name is Remote Direct Memory Access, and the recommended Chinese translation isRemote Direct Memory Access, Remote Direct Memory Access, Remote Direct Memory Access.
- SA:The full name is Sentiment Analysis, and the recommended Chinese translation isemotional analysis.
- XR:The full name is Extended Reality, and the recommended Chinese translation isExtended reality.
- EGS:The full name is Enhanced Geothermal System and the recommended Chinese translation isEnhanced Geothermal Systems.
- GE:The full name is Gene Editing, and the recommended Chinese translation isgene editing.
- PCE:Personalized Customer Experience, the recommended Chinese translation of which isPersonalized Customer Experience.
The Expert Committee of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on Norms for Chinese Translation and Writing of Foreign Languages recommends the use of standardized Chinese translations of foreign language words in various fields of social life. According to the introduction, the words selected for this translation mainly come from the recommendations of experts and the Research Report on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Large Language Modeling Technology (2024), the Action Plan for the High-Quality Development of Computing Power Infrastructure, the Assessment Report on the Development of China's Artificial Intelligence Computing Power in 2022-2023, the Report on the Development of Embodied Intelligence (2024), and the reference to the alphabetical words appearing in the new words of the year 2021-2023, and the words issued by the National Science and Technology Terminology Committee. The Alphabetical Words appearing in the New Words of the Year 2021-2023, the words and phrases released by the National Committee for Scientific and Technological Nomenclature, etc.