8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

可能很多人在这两年刷抖音、刷 B 站的时候都发现了,一些明显就是 AI 生成的视频却拥有极大的热度和流量,而这样大的流量也就代表着作者利用 AI 技能赚到了钱。那么没有剪辑基础的普通人是否也能不花费一分一毫学习的时间与金钱成本,也用 AI 软件挣到钱呢?答案是十分确定的“可以”。

随着人工智能技术的发展,市面上已经有很多成熟的 AI 视频剪辑工具了,视频剪辑不再需要多么高深的剪辑技巧,多么悠久的剪辑经验,这些工具为我们踏平了视频创作的门槛,我们只需付出极其微小的人力,也就是鼠标点击,即可创作出高质量的视频,并由此赚钱,是不是很心动?下文就来介绍一下具体的赚钱思路,并为大家推荐一些好用的剪辑工具。

AI 视频赚钱思路详解

AI 赚钱真的是一个很好的副业选择,因为它的思路很简单,仅仅三步,即可轻松赚到零花钱,并且实际操作也不需要多么复杂的学习,市面上大部分的 AI 软件优化做得都很好,即使是对剪辑一窍不通的人也能一眼就明白该如何操作,下面就来了解一下实际的操作流程吧。

  1. 找热点:这一步很简单,对常玩手机的同学来说根本毫无难度~你可以找新闻热点、影视热点、赛事热点等等,只要有热度皆可作为你的选题,并根据选题去制作相应的新闻播报视频、赛事解说视频、影视解说视频、小说推荐视频、短剧视频等等。微博热搜,百度热搜,小红书热搜,抖音热搜等都是可行的渠道,如果你想查看国际热点就翻墙去国外的 APP 例如 X、Facebook、Instagram 里查看热搜,这里再推荐一个极其方便的渠道——Google Trends,它可以根据时间及地区查看不同领域的新闻热点,非常方便,地址如下:trends.google.com/trends。另外,有些 AI 视频工具也会自动推荐热点,并实时更新,直接选择就好,如度加创作工具。
  2. 制作视频:利用 AI 视频生成和剪辑工具针对上方的热点进行创作,利用其内置的文案生成工具或是其他的 AI 文案工具生成一段脚本或文案,并将生成的文字内容投入到剪辑工具中进行生成与编辑,无需任何专业技巧,简简单单轻轻松松制作堪比专业人士精细剪辑的视频作品。
  3. 全网分发投稿:视频剪辑完就可以将其投稿到各大平台赚流量钱了,网络搜索“自媒体分发助手”,挑一个分发工具进行快捷投稿,可以省掉手动操作的时间,覆盖更多自媒体平台,一份工作赚多份钱。


8 款AI剪辑软件recommend


8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

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剪映本身的传统剪辑功能已经十分全面,并且内置了丰富的曲库以及素材库,其在近期推出了多种十分好用的 AI 剪辑功能,例如 AI 自动剪视频、文案生成视频、AI 画质提升、AI 智能运镜追踪等,在好用的基础功能上进一步丰富了它的用户体验,提升了它的专业性及用户友好程度。剪映的操作十分简单,完全不会剪辑的笔者亲测可以直接上手,无需任何经验,并且它可以跟抖音完美配合,十分适合用于自媒体、电商营销、形象宣传等用途的创作。

Functions at a glance

  • Basic editing functions
    • cuts
    • anti-shake
    • noise reduction
    • speed change
    • turn upside down
    • canvas (artist's painting surface)
    • transitions
    • sticker
    • Special Effects
    • mix colors
    • contexts
    • calligraphic style
    • song library
    • modification of voice
    • filters
    • beautiful face (usually of a beautiful woman)
    • picture within a picture
    • Clip template (cut same)
  • teleprompter
  • scriptwriting
  • videotape
  • lit. cut clouds
  • AI 一键成片: 自动剪辑视频。
  • AI 图文成片: 智能识别文案并自动配图,同时为文字配音,一键自动生成视频。
  • AI 字幕: 智能识别语音、字幕,并进行编辑。
  • AI 智能包装: 将素材与画面/人声自动匹配。
  • AI 文案: 智能撰写文案。
  • AI 克隆音色: 创建独一无二的声线。
  • AI 智能裁剪: 选择想裁剪的比例,智能将主体保持在中间。
  • AI 画质提升: 将模糊视频转化为超清画质。
  • AI 扩图: 智能扩展图片边缘。
  • AI 智能运镜: 支持多种风格的运镜方式。
  • AI 智能追踪: 选择想追踪的部位,自动识别并追踪。
  • AI 人声分离: 自动识别并分离背景音与人声。
  • AI 抠图: 自动识别抠取人像。
  • AI 智能调色: 自动修正、优化画面的色彩效果。
  • AI 作图: 文生图。

Registration Methods



剪映大部分功能在注册登录后都可免费使用,少量功能及部分素材需要购买 VIP。

2.Degree plus clips

8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

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度加剪辑是一款由百度推出的具备多重 AI 功能的手机剪辑软件。它推出了多种多样的 AI 剪辑功能,如 AI 文案、AI 成片、AI 快剪、AI 配音、AI 数字人等,满足了用户的剪辑刚需,很适合用于创作新闻解说视频、赛事解说视频、电商带货视频、影视解说视频等多样化视频内容,用户可利用它高效的 AI 功能、丰富的素材库,以及便捷的追热点功能轻松吸引流量打造爆款视频。

Functions at a glance

  • AI 成片: 输入文案一键生成视频。
  • AI 数字人: 内置海量数字人形象,并支持定制,随时随地生成口播内容。
  • AI 文案: 选择文案创作类别,提供主题,可一键生成精美文案。
  • AI 提词: 智能跟随语速,字幕自动滚动调整。
  • AI 快速剪辑: 无声、重复等无效片段一键删除。
  • 素材推荐: 贴纸、艺术字、音效智能匹配,一键提升视频网感。
  • 一键包装: 多种风格模板,一键搞定标题字幕、画布贴纸。
  • AI 配音: 内置风格多样的语音包,专业智能配音。
  • AI 进度条: 一键完成打点分段,进度条自动生成。
  • 海量图搜: 全网搜图,即搜即用。
  • 热点推荐:每分钟更新全网热点,点击可进行分析、生成。

Registration Methods

度加剪辑支持手机验证码注册、微信注册、QQ 注册、苹果账号注册。


度加剪辑注册登录后可免费试用,新用户可获赠 50 积分,使用功能消耗相应积分,完成签到等任务可获取更多免费积分。手机版暂无充值通道。

3,fast clip

8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

official website

快剪辑是 360 推出一款集合了多种 AI 能力的专业级视频剪辑工具。它不仅支持操作简单的传统剪辑操作,内置丰富的模板素材库。还提供了多种多样便捷易用的优质 AI 工具,例如智能识别文本再根据文本内容剪辑视频、AI 克隆原声并进行翻译、智能抠取人像、智能去水印等,让零基础的用户可以更快更轻松地上手,无需经验就可制作出精美的视频作品。


Functions at a glance

  • Basic editing functions:包含一切剪辑中会用到的基础功能,包括滤镜、特效、贴纸、模版、文本、音频编辑等。
  • 模版素材库:内置海量贴纸、滤镜、文字、背景素材,并提供多种精美模版,可直接套用。
  • 文本剪视频:上传音视频,自动识别文字内容,像编辑文档一样剪视频。
  • 视频转文本:一键转文字。
  • 智能去字幕:精准字幕识别并进行 AI 擦除。
  • 视频原声翻译:超真实的音色克隆,一键制作地道的翻译视频。
  • 智能去水印:智能识别水印,AI 擦除。
  • 视频拼接:分秒合并多段视频。
  • 视频截取:快速保存精彩片段。
  • 视频打码:添加马赛克。
  • 视频压缩:轻松调整视频大小。
  • 视频提取音频:视频配乐无损保存。
  • 智能抠像:智能识别分离人像。
  • 录音录屏:录制屏幕画面与声音。
  • 云端保存在线协作:视频文件在线保存,随时随地进行编辑。

Registration Methods

快剪辑支持手机验证码注册、QQ 注册、微信注册、微博注册。


快剪辑注册登录后可免费试用,免费用户可体验基础剪辑功能,但无法使用会员素材,另外还可体验 AI 剪辑工具,每一个工具相应的时长、次数限制。如需更多额度及权益可以购买会员。


8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

EYSubtitle is a home-made AI intelligent video editing tool based on speech intelligent recognition technology and natural speech understanding technology, which is mainly used to automatically add subtitles to videos. It supports the recognition and translation of up to a dozen languages, provides bilingual subtitle service, and allows users to edit and export videos with subtitles online, and supports batch production.

EYSubtitle currently supports online use on the web, Android/IOS mobile clients, and provides automatic subtitle recognition API services, which is easy for enterprise customers to use.

Functions at a glance

  • automatic recognition with subtitles: Add subtitles to unsubtitled videos with one click, accurately recognize human voices and translate them, support more than twenty languages to translate each other, and 1 hour of video in just 5 minutes.
  • Subtitle translation plus dubbingThe original subtitles are automatically extracted and translated into new subtitles with AI dubbing, intelligently matching the synchronization of sound and picture, and supporting 28 languages.
  • Text-Video MatchingIntelligent match alignment of subtitle text and video screen, and generate timeline to realize automatic spooling, supporting Chinese, English and Japanese subtitle combinations.
  • Subtitle Extraction Translation: Automatically recognize and extract the original text within the video, support 110 languages for translation, efficient and fast, and provide multi-format output for download and batch production.

Registration Methods

Drawing Subtitles supports cell phone number registration and email registration.


绘影字幕注册登录后提供免费试用,新用户送 5 分钟免费创作体验时长,如果有专业的视频字幕制作需求,可以考虑绘影字幕提供的充值方案。

official website

5,begin shooting (a film)

8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

Open Shoot is a smart AI video generation and editing tool launched by the company owned by Meitu Xiu Xiu to help users make oral videos, bringing together a series of functions in the process of making videos, such as copywriting in the early stage, filming and production in the middle stage, portrait fine-tuning, and then intelligent editing of the video in the later stage, which creates an integrated one-stop creative experience for the user and greatly improves the efficiency of creation as well as the quality of creation.

Open Auction supports online use on the web, or downloadable use on mobile.

Functions at a glance

  • Automatic video generation: You can freely choose the necessary elements such as intelligent digital person, background, text, music, etc., input the copy and generate a delicate oral video with one click.
  • AI Image Quality Restoration: Restore your HD beauty with one click.
  • AI Eye Correction: Helps you easily correct eye direction and enhance the interactive experience with your audience.
  • AI teleprompter: Automatically recognizes the speed of dictation and scrolls the subtitles, greatly reducing the preparation time for recording videos and improving the efficiency of creation.
  • watermark removal: AI automatically removes any watermarks from videos.
  • vocal enhancement: Adjust and export high-quality audio freely.
  • super-resolution: Change the video resolution freely to make the picture more high-definition.
  • Intelligent frame filling: Make the video picture more smooth and natural.
  • Photographs speak for themselves.You just need to upload your photos, choose the dubbing style, and upload the copy to quickly generate a video that lets your photos speak for themselves.
  • Copy generation: Choose the right function according to your needs and enter the text to generate high-quality copy with one click.
  • Title Crafting: Automatically generate pop-up headline content based on copy content to increase click-through rates.
  • Video Script: Enter keywords to intelligently generate scripts corresponding to style and content.
  • copywrite extraction: Extract text content from videos with one click.

Registration Methods

Open auction support WeChat scan code registration, QQ scan code registration, cell phone number registration, microblogging account registration.



official website

6,Wondershare Filmora

8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

official website

Wondershare Filmora is a widely acclaimed AI video editing software that combines powerful features that guarantee professionalism in creation with ease of use that makes it accessible to beginners. With simple drag-and-drop operation, you can use the simplified professional editing functions with a variety of AI tools, and Wondershare Filmora also provides users with a built-in royalty-free licensed music library with more than 1,200+ high-quality music tracks, 200+ preset templates, and 1 billion+ free media clips.Wondershare Filmora requiresDownload the client to use.

Wondershare Filmora is committed to doing its best to meet the needs of its users and provide them with a better creative experience, and it's great for individual content creators as well as advertising and marketing companies.

Functions at a glance

  • Basic video editing functions: e.g. enhanced keyframing, motion tracking, customized multiplier, split screen, green screen, drawing masks, etc.
  • AI Intelligent Keying: Automatically snapping out the subject of the character for easy background replacement.
  • AI Audio Noise Reduction: Reduce background noise, such as wind, rain, crowd noise, and other sources of sound interference.
  • AI Audio Stretch: Make each song fit into any length of clip.
  • Intelligent Trimming: Automatically resizes the video screen without manual editing.
  • Mute detection: Automatically crop out muted content-free clips for better video content.
  • Template Application: 200+ preset templates support one-click application.
  • library: Built-in 1200+ copyrighted music, 1 billion+ free media clips.
  • Automatic Music Fade: Quickly fade out the music and highlight the dialog.
  • automatic synchronization: Automatically matches picture to audio.
  • Audio Visual Editing: Convenient for PC editing.
  • Multi-video format support: Supports Apple ProRes, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AVCHD, and native camera formats such as Canon and Sony RAW, as well as a variety of codecs in QuickTime (MOV) or MXF containers.

Registration Methods

Wondershare Filmora supports Google Mail (Gmail) registration, Apple account registration, Facebook account registration, X account registration, and other email registration.

Google mailbox registration is the most convenient, and applies to most of the foreign site registration, if you do not have your own account, you can refer to this tutorial to get: Google mailbox Gmail registration tutorial, a few simple steps to easily register.


Wondershare Filmora 下载后注册登录既提供免费试用,如需获取更多权益可购买会员。


8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

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Vidyo.ai is a powerful video editing tool that saves you 90% of time and effort by creating brand new short films based on artificial intelligence technology using video clips you provide. Perfect for Shake, Tiktok, or any short video platform bloggers who need to cut long videos into multiple smaller videos.

Functions at a glance

  • Automatic video captioning: AI automatically adds video subtitles to improve video quality.
  • AI Video Clip Splitting: Automatically cut long videos into multiple short videos.
  • Instant video resizing: Switch freely between portrait, landscape, square and more video sizes with just one click.
  • Social Media Templates: Support one-click template applying to adapt the style of different social media platforms.
  • Pop-up Spread Predictor: Grow your online audience for Shorts, Reels, and TikTok with AI-driven viral scoring.
  • Intelligent Editing: Automatically filter the best clips from your videos and combine them into short movies.

Registration Methods

Vidyo.ai supports Google mail (Gmail) registration, Facebook registration, Microsoft account registration, and other email registration.

Google email registration and Microsoft account registration is the most convenient, and applies to most of the foreign site registration, if you do not have your own account, you can refer to the following tutorial to get:

  • Google mail Gmail registration tutorial, a few simple steps to easily register
  • Microsoft 微软账号如何注册?图文详细教程


Vidyo.ai 注册登录后提供免费试用,免费用户每月有 75 分钟使用额度,享受 720p 渲染质量,可直接通过 Tiktok 发布,及保留数据30天。获取更多功能权益需购买会员。


8 Recommended AI Video Fully Automated Editing and Production Software to Help Content Creators Generate Videos in Batch

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Capsule 是一款专为企业打造的专业级 AI 视频剪辑器,适合用于制作品牌宣传视频。该软件将直观的用户界面与先进的自动化编辑技术相融合,显著提高了视频创作的效率和质量。通过 Capsule,传统的视频剪辑流程被极大地简化,用户无需再依赖复杂的时间线编辑、图层叠加或关键帧动画,只需通过编辑由视频内容自动识别生成的语音文档,即可轻松完成视频剪辑。此外,Capsule 配备了强大的动态效果设计系统,使用户能够轻松设计出符合品牌调性的视觉效果。

Functions at a glance

  • AI 视频剪辑: Automatically recognize converted video voice to document, edit document to edit video.
  • AI 标题:根据视频内容自动生成标题。
  • AI 绘图:生成各种风格的图像以用于剪辑。
  • AI 智能裁剪:随意剪裁视频大小,元素自动适应画面。
  • AI 字幕特效:自动创建效果卓越的特效字幕,吸引注意。
  • AI 自动裁剪:自动剪去静音的无效片段。
  • 动态设计系统:动态素材设计、创造符合品牌调性的特效,可轻松管理品牌 LOGO、字体、颜色。
  • 多端在线协作:多人同时剪辑视频。

Registration Methods

Capsule 支持谷歌邮箱(Gmail)注册、其他邮箱注册。(需要工作邮箱)

Google mailbox registration is the most convenient, and applies to most of the foreign site registration, if you do not have your own account, you can refer to this tutorial to get: Google mailbox Gmail registration tutorial, a few simple steps to easily register.


Capsule 注册登录后可免费试用,新用户有 3 次输出机会。如需更多权益及额度可购买会员。


AI剪辑软件的发展与普及,预示着一个更加便捷、高效的视频创作时代的来临,每个人都能成为 TA 自己故事的导演。


statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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