AI writes weird articles with a strong AI flavor? I don't have that trouble anymore after using these 3 tips and 108 prompt words!

AI writes weird articles with a strong AI flavor? I don't have that trouble anymore after using these 3 tips and 108 prompt words!

Don't we all often get the feeling that AI-generated articles just don't look right all the time?

The words are gorgeous, the axiom is a set, how to see how mechanical, stiff, false, completely without human feelings! This thick AI flavor is really appetizing!

Where did the AI flavor come from?

If you ask me, the root of the AI flavor is that AI is too smart and too serious!

It just slaps together big words and long sentences like an emotionless robot.

You ask him to talk about his feelings, and all he does is say "I think" and "I think" and "I think" and all that.

If you let it talk about life, it will only talk about some big and empty philosophies. Anyway, no matter what you write, you can't hide from that flavor.

What should we do? Are we just going to have to put up with the "fennel bean" of AI flavor?

Of course not! I have a trick up my sleeve! It's to treat the symptoms with a wave of AI deodorizing miracle cures!

The simplest and most brutal way is to say to the AI: "Let's speak human! Don't do all that nonsense! Let's talk about life, groundedness, and colloquialisms!" If you emphasize this to the AI, it will know what to write.

But more often than not, it's not enough to just talk about it, you have to give itSet an example..

For example, you could say to it.

"You see, when you say it's hot, the particularly AI-tinged expression is 'It's very hot,' but the humanized expression would be 'It's so hot today I'm almost cooked!' Can you feel the difference?"

For example, if you want to express that the scenery here is good, AI Flavor will say, "The scenery here is beautiful, and it's good for taking pictures."

It's so corny, isn't it? In colloquial terms, it's "Holy shit! It's beautiful here! It's a big shot!" Isn't it a great picture?

Give the AI some more vivid examples and it will learn to de-flavor it.

Of course, it's a good idea to list all the most typical AI-ish words in your example, and tell it clearly that "these are not good words to use, they're out of character!"

In this way, AI is able to treat the symptoms.

Besides that, when working with AI.You don't want to think of yourself as a shirker.

You have to keep an eye on it at all times and make changes when you see something that's not right.

Let the AI know what to say and what not to say. Over time, it will be able to develop proper writing paradigms.

One more trick to make AI writing warmer and more humane.

It can be made to write more life-like short stories and episodes

Express more of your true feelings; add more funny and humorous slurs, jokes... Let the article have flesh and blood, have fireworks, the AI flavor naturally dispersed.

Of course, the AI wrote the thing.You can't take it all in.

AI is no more than a punching bag.

It's up to us to make the final corrections and finalize the article. Spicing up an article to make it more authentic and colorful is a craft! It's not up to the AI.

At the end of the day, writing with AI is like taming a dog; there's no overnight fix.

You have to be patient, put in the work, and let it slowly adapt to your style, your needs. Don't expect it to be perfect the first time, that's not realistic.

Anyway, there are a lot of great ways to write with AI. The key is to communicate with it more often, and don't treat yourself as a free agent. Be patient and teach it for a while, and sooner or later you will be able to use AI to write great articles!

How's that? Did you get it from my analysis?

I'm going to give you the whole thing.Prompt word, guaranteed to make the AI write as much as a regular person would write, that flavor is right!

1. Describe how you felt when you ate durian for the first time, the more vivid the better.

2. use exaggerated metaphors to describe the character traits of colleagues

3. Write a piece of dialog in the style of the skit.

4. Tell me about one of your favorite toys when you were a child.

5. Compare yourself to an animal and describe the similarities.

6. Satirizing a current social phenomenon with irony

7. Imitate the tone of a poisonous old lady and judge the stars.

8. Incarnation of a streetlight to tell the story of its day.

9. Write a "confession" about a vegetable you hate.

10. Tell me what skills you envy most in animals.

11. The life of a dress is as sensational as it gets.

12. Pretend to be an unseasoned country bumpkin wandering the big city.

13. Tell me about one of your most memorable pranks when you were in school.

14. Turning into a delivery boy and spouting off about customers' weird requests.

15. Recall your first relationship like an old cadre.

16. Write about which teacher in which class you were most afraid of in high school.

17. Imitating Tolstoy's tone, commenting on young people today

18. Incarnating a cockroach and thinking about the human species

19. First-hand field study of the nightlife of contemporary university students

20. Telling the process of writing a thesis using cooking techniques

21. Observing a family gathering from the perspective of an ear

22. Imitate Li Bai's style and praise a summer drink

23. The incarnation of Mount Everest to tell the story of how it has seen the world go by.

24. Write a silly story based on "yawning".

25. Imitate Du Fu's tone of voice, and spit out the current social situation.

26. Write a tearful eulogy for a failed product

27. Writing a letter of resignation with a "smiley face"

28. Criticizing a current popularity story in the style of Lu Xun.

29. Evaluation of human civilization from the perspective of an ant

30. Describe a lost love in the context of a broken bridge and snow.

31. Choose a snack and give it a legendary life.

32. The incarnation of the examination paper to tell the story of its fate through the ages.

33. Feeling sorry for yourself like a "middle-aged, greasy man".

34. Ironizing the social culture of comparison with "the right family"

35. Describe one of your favorite songs in a generic way

36. Evaluating urban change from the perspective of street vendors

37. A grotesque dream in the style of Picasso.

38. Brag about a hideously ugly dress, and be cheap.

39. Drunkenness, heart-to-heart talk about troubles

40. Reporting a family conflict in the tone of a newscast

41. Write a fight scene in the style of Jin Yong.

42. Recite a limerick in the form of an aria.

43. Telling the secrets of the sea through the mouths of mermaids.

44. Recording an old object in the form of a "ballad".

45. A witty counter-question to the interviewer

46, like an 18th-rate netizen, begging for attention.

47. Write in Shakespearean tones about the pain of a secret love.

48. Confessions of wrongdoing in the voice of the school bully

49. Writing about class reunions using the technique of "first suppressing and then raising"

50. A debate against the procrastinating self

51. Tell a joke as boring as a textbook.

52. Imitate a Korean drama and create a misunderstanding.

53. Satirizing empty political slogans with "pie in the sky"

54. Use of prose to denounce the seriousness of the food safety problem

55. Incarnating street graffiti to tell a story of youth.

56. Imitate Li Bai's poetic style and praise someone you admire.

57. Lamenting the bleakness of autumn in the tone of falling leaves.

58. A comedy show like Guo Degang's, featuring popular phrases.

59. Satirizing official fakery with the phrase "to put one's hat on and to put it on"

60. Witnessing the development of a city from the perspective of a drop of water.

61. Reprimand your uneducated self like "Zhu Yuanzhang".

62. Imitate Van Gogh's brushstrokes and paint the storm in your mind.

63. Whitewashing of a villainous character by the logic of "negative and positive".

64. The use of the phrase "to look at a mountain from side to side" as an analogy for a person's character

65. The incarnation of a scribbled textbook to complain about its unjust fate.

66. Deconstructing a current social problem in the style of Lu Xun.

67. "A full moon is a loss, and water overflowing is an overflow", to advise people to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

68. The use of the metaphor "to stop a boil in the soup" as a means of treating the symptoms rather than the root cause of the problem.

69. Incarnate a crooked tree and tell the story of its life.

70. Imitate Hemingway's language for a lonely night.

71. Satirizing some pedantic people by "chewing on words"

72. The story of the "Togetherness" as an allusion to a special period of time.

73. The rise and fall of a family in the form of an old piano.

74. Imitating Sanmao's style of writing, expressing a little bit of inner confusion.

75. The use of the phrase "the shadow of a bow and the shadow of a snake" as a metaphor for suspicious love

76. "Thousands of words" to express longing for a distant land

77. Witness the changing times in the form of an ordinary blade of grass.

78. Describe a dream in the magical style of Marquez.

79. Ironizing the idea of being stuck in one's own ways and being obstinate by using the phrase "one leaf blinds one's eyes".

80. Writing a story with an escalating plot using the "snowball" technique

81. Incarnate a butterfly to tell of the splendor and solitude of a short life.

82. Imitation of Wang Xiaobo's cold humor in evaluating stupid human nature

83. Satirizing people who are suspicious and suspicious by saying that "people worry about nothing".

84. Criticize politicians' speculation with "two birds with one stone" satire.

85. Incarnation of a migratory bird as an expression of the changing emotions of leaving home and returning home.

86. Imitating the language of Qian Zhongshu to judge the inherent inferiority of a class of people.

87. Ironizing impractical and counterproductive practices with the phrase "the opposite of what you want to do"

88. Use of the parable of the rabbit waiting to be caught to satirize the old-fashioned idea of not making progress.

89. The incarnation of the university entrance examination paper as an indictment of the stifling of creativity and individuality through education to the test.

90. Emulating Shelley's poetry, expressing a sense of isolation and pride.

91. Satirizing dogmatism and lack of understanding of adaptation with the phrase "to make a boat out of a sword"

92. The use of the phrase "a fire in the city gates is a calamity for the fish in the moat" as a metaphor for the innocent being implicated.

93. Incarnate a cicada and tell the story of a short life in a hurry.

94. Mimicking Kafka's absurd style, satirizing the alienation of human nature.

95. "Pulling up seedlings to help them grow" to satirize the practice of rushing to success and making mistakes

96. Use the story of the "blessing in disguise" to tell the story of a turnaround experience.

97. Incarnate a sunflower and tell the story of your obsession with the sun.

98. An exploration of the nature of time and memory, modeled on Borges's fables.

99. Satirizing the phenomenon of "calling a stag a horse", which is a reflection of the contempt of the literati and the inversion of right and wrong.

100. Celebrate the indomitable and resilient character with the legend of "Jingwei" (精卫填海).

101. Incarnating a breeze to tell the story of its experience of the world.

102. Imitation of Yasunari Kawabata's stream of consciousness, portraying the inner world of a woman.

103. Satirizing hypocrites who are hypocritical and do not match their words with their deeds with "Ye Gong Hao Long"

104. The use of the phrase "on all sides" to portray a desperate situation in which there is no way of escape.

105. Incarnating an old mirror to tell the story of the life it witnessed.

106. Write an incredible story in the vein of García Márquez's magical realism.

107. "Handan learning to walk" is used to satirize the followers' behavior of cutting the feet to fit the shoes and imitating blindly.

108. The parable of the frog at the bottom of the well is used to satirize the narrow-mindedness and complacency of the mind.

I believe that with all these strange and fancy prompt words, the AI can write an essay that can make people feel the smoky, city and earthy flavor.

Remember, staying close to life, the public, and the people is the key to writing! Observe often, accumulate more, and think hard so that inspiration will continue to flow!

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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