Tongyi Wanxiang AI Video: free AI video generation tool, supports text-generated video and graph-generated video

Tongyi Wanxiang AI Video: free AI video generation tool, supports text-generated video and graph-generated video

Tongyi WanxiangAI VideoIt's a completely free program launched by AliAI video generation tool, supports both text-generated video and picture-generated video, which can automatically create HD videos (up to 6 seconds) with movie and TV-grade picture quality based on text prompt words or pictures provided by users. Tongyi Wanxiang AI video supports a variety of art styles, including but not limited to ancient style, science fiction, animation, etc., and is especially optimized to understand and express Chinese elements. Tongyi Wanxiang AI video can handle multi-language input, support the "Inspiration Expansion" function, a key to help users improve the cue words, but also comes with the "audio generation" function, the video generation comes with synchronized sound effects and audio content, lowering the threshold of the AI video creation. Applicable to film and television production, animation design, advertising and other fields, providing users with great convenience and creative freedom.

Tongyi Wanxiang AI Video Features

  1. Text-generated video: Users input text prompt words and AI generates HD video content based on the text prompt words.
    Input text prompt words to describe the picture and motion process of the video to generate a piece of video content. Support Chinese and English, support 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, 3:4, 9:16 and other ratio choices.
  2. Pic-born video: Users upload pictures, AI converts static pictures into dynamic videos, and can control the video content according to the prompt words.
    Upload or drag and drop an image as the first frame of the video, supplemented with text describing the video's motion process and mirror effect, the uploaded image supports cropping at any ratio, and supports Chinese and English cue word descriptions. Crop the uploaded image at any ratio or preset ratio, and support rotation.
  3. Inspiration Expansion: AI enriches the expression of video content through intelligent algorithms to help users expand and deepen original creative concepts.
  4. Audio Generation: In addition to video content, AI can generate corresponding audio or soundtracks based on video themes and styles, providing a more complete audiovisual experience.
  5. Multi-language support: supports input in multiple languages such as Chinese and English, so users of different languages can use the platform to create.
  6. Multiple Art Styles: AI is capable of understanding and generating a wide range of art styles including, but not limited to, illustration, graffiti, 3D animation, and more.
  7. Optimization of Chinese elements: It is especially optimized for traditional Chinese cultural elements, which can better express the content of national style.
  8. Dynamic Generation Capability: With powerful motion generation capability, it supports complex and large-scale motion generation, and restores the physical laws of the real world.

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