GPTZero: AI content detection tool for AI bots

GPTZero: AI content detection tool for AI bots

GPTZeroThe company was founded by a group of AI experts and engineers from top universities such as Stanford University, Harvard University, and MIT. It officially launched its AI content detection platform in September 2021.

GPTZero uses the most advanced natural language processing technology and deep learning models to detect various types and styles of AI-generated text, including ChatGPT, GPT3, GPT4, Bard, etc. GPTZero can not only give an overall credibility score, but also highlight sentences suspected of being AI-generated and prompt the AI model that may be used. GPTZero currently has more than 1 million users, including teachers, students, journalists, editors, researchers, etc., who are all using GPTZero to verify the authenticity and originality of texts.

The official website of GPTZero is Users can directly enter or upload text for detection on the website, or call GPTZero's services through Chrome plug-ins or API interfaces.

GPTZero also offers a product specifically for the education field, GPTZeroX, which can help teachers batch detect whether there is AI-generated content in student assignments and give corresponding feedback and suggestions. GPTZero has cooperated with multiple educational institutions to improve the quality of education and academic integrity.


Covering a wide range of AI models: GPTZero can detect texts generated by the most popular and advanced AI models on the market, including ChatGPT, GPT3, GPT4, Bard, etc. These AI models are trained based on large-scale corpora and can generate texts of various types and styles, such as conversations, articles, poems, lyrics, etc. GPTZero can determine the AI model that may be used based on the characteristics and style of the text and give corresponding prompts.
Accurate and efficient detection algorithm: GPTZero uses the most advanced natural language processing technology and deep learning models to complete text detection and analysis in seconds. GPTZero can not only give an overall credibility score, but also highlight sentences that are suspected to be AI-generated and give corresponding explanations. GPTZero will also continue to update and optimize its detection algorithm to adapt to the ever-evolving and changing AI technology.
Easy-to-use interface: GPTZero provides an easy-to-use interface. Users only need to enter or upload text on the website to get the test results immediately. Users can also call GPTZero's services through Chrome plug-ins or API interfaces to achieve more customized and integrated functions. GPTZero also provides detailed instructions and FAQs to help users quickly get started and solve problems.
Professional customized educational products: GPTZero has launched a professional customized product for the education field - GPTZeroX. It can help teachers batch detect whether there is AI-generated content in student assignments, and give corresponding feedback and suggestions. For example, if it is found that a student uses ChatGPT to generate a dialogue assignment, it will prompt the teacher to note that the student may lack creativity or communication skills, and suggest that the teacher give more guidance and encouragement. GPTZeroX can also provide some statistical data and analysis reports to allow teachers to better understand students' learning and progress.
Product Price

GPTZero currently offers three different tiers of product pricing:

Free version: Free version users can check texts within 250 words per day and get an overall credibility score. The free version is suitable for users who occasionally need to verify the authenticity or originality of text.
Basic Edition: Basic Edition users can detect texts within 5,000 words per day and get an overall credibility score, highlight suspected AI-generated sentences, and possible use of AI model prompts. Basic Edition users need to pay US$9.99 (approximately RMB 65) per month.
Premium version: Premium users can detect texts within 10,000 words per day and get an overall credibility score, highlighting of suspected AI-generated sentences, possible use of AI model prompts, corresponding explanations, etc. Premium users need to pay $19.99 (about RMB 130) per month.
In addition, GPTZero also provides a product for the education field - GPTZeroX. It can help teachers batch detect whether there is AI-generated content in student assignments and give corresponding feedback and suggestions. GPTZeroX users need to pay US$49.99 (about RMB 325) per month.

Official website address:

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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