Winston AI Claiming to be the best AI content detector for education, you can create individual "projects" for each document you want to scan, you can paste or upload text, and the platform will provide you with percentage figures based on the human or AI of the text. You'll then get an individual report for each item, which you can save or print. This could come in handy for instructors who want to discourage students from relying on AI to handle papers on their behalf.Winston A free trial is available for 2,000 words and membership is $12 per month. PowerfulAI ContentDetection solutions that can detect if content is generated by AI like ChatGPT,, RYTR,
Target group:
For writers, educators and web publishers
Product Features:
- Detect AI-generated content by analyzing content and identifying patterns and anomalies in machine-generated content.
- AI-generated content can be detected in a variety of formats including text, images and video.
- It can detect content generated by large language models such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, and so on.
- High accuracy of 99.6%.
- Provide visual analytical reports.
Platform: Web browser access.
Price: Subscription based. Free, Basic and Premium versions available.
Usage rating: note that tools such as Winston AI Detector can be misdiagnosed and should not be used as the only detection tool.
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