Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

AI AgentYou must knowbutton, AI old people all know,iFlytek SparkIt is the first large-scale model of intelligent body launched in China, so please do not forget this intelligent body veteran— iFlytek Spark

So today I’m going to use a hit copywriting as an example to introduce this old friend.

This is the iFlytek Spark Intelligent Body Center, which has everything you need.Hot copywriting, PPT production, graphic creation, etc..

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Probably the most suitable agent platform for beginners

iFlytek Spark Agent may be the most suitable agent platform for beginners, why do you say that?

When creating an agent, the web page will pop up a creation mode, and you can chooseZero code modeIf you are an expert, you can chooseLow-code model.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

For example, if you choose zero code, you can create an agent with just one sentence.

  • You are a master of Xiaohongshu title party. Please write an attractive and popular Xiaohongshu title according to the notes I gave you.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Then, based on the above description, the iFlytek Spark Platform will intelligently generate detailed instructions, such as role settings, target tasks, requirements description, etc.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Then, you don’t need to change anything and you can start experiencing it right away.

For example, if the theme of your copywriting is lipstick swatching, the result may be like this.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

For example, the topic of your copywriting is what you need to prepare before going to college?

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

I feel like it has the flavor of Xiaohongshu's clickbait title.

If you have higher requirements, you can add new dimensions to the agent instructions, such as adding some format requirements.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

  • Title length: 10-15 Chinese characters, to ensure that it is fully displayed in the search results of Xiaohongshu.
  • Use symbols: Use emoji 🎈 or special characters (such as [ ],!,?) appropriately to make the title more attractive, but keep it simple.
  • Keyword layout: Place the core keywords in the first half of the title to ensure that they are captured by SEO.
  • Language style: Use easy-to-understand language and avoid overly professional or complex vocabulary to suit Xiaohongshu's user group.
  • Avoid taboos: Do not use exaggerated or misleading statements, ensure that the title is honest and reliable, and abide by the platform rules.
  • Emoji Use: Include at least one appropriate emoji 👍 to enhance visual appeal and emotional resonance.

This is the effect.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

You can set common opening remarks or options.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

There are two options at the bottom, one is to support multiple rounds of conversations (enabling contextual memory during the conversation), and the other is to support uploading documents (users can upload documents as background information during the conversation).

Just choose according to your needs.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

At this point, novice users have mastered the basic skills of the agent, and you can create an agent of your own.

Related Datasets

A dataset can be understood as a knowledge base, which can contain structured data, text information, rules and logic to support intelligent agents to make decisions, answer questions or provide suggestions.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

For example, if you are an offline boss of a nail salon and cosmetics business, and need to acquire customers through Xiaohongshu every day, you want to create an intelligent agent that can not only learn popular copywriting but also have its own creative inspiration.

Then you can collect the highly praised popular copywriting and organize it into a txt document. For example, each copywriting is divided by .


Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

This is how you enter the platform.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Finally, you can try it out by associating the dataset.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

For example, if you want to write a copy for a short manicure, the intelligent experience will find related information in the data set and then generate similar copy through the AI big model.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Isn’t it simple?

Online search

I think the online search function is a very necessary feature. Currently, there are not many platforms that can support the custom creation of intelligent entities with online search capabilities.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

As a news commentary expert, you can search the Internet for the latest hot topics, such as the recent Land Rover incident.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

There are also AI drawing and code generation functions. As the name suggests, you can use prompts to allow the intelligent agent to call on the ability of text drawing when you need it.

Low-code model

Spark Intelligent Agent's low-code mode provides a graphical programming interface, where users can build application processes by dragging components and connecting logical nodes.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Spark Agent has several modules that I think are useful. If you use them well, you can take your agent to the next level.

Search Tools

The Spark agent workflow has a built-in search network search engine search module.

  • This node is applicable to scenarios where a search engine needs to be used to return query results.This node will request the built-in search engine of the large model. The node input will be sent to the search engine as the search keyword, and the search results will be retrieved as the node output according to the node settings.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Web page loading

Workflow has a built-in URL reading module, which means that if you want to read the content of a URL, you don’t have to look for plug-ins everywhere, and you don’t have to ask someone to write Python.

  • This node can filter and parse the web page content, and can also return the original content of the web page. You need to pass in a URL address as a legal input. If the address is prohibited from access, it cannot be opened.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

Decision Node

The big model will judge your intention based on the node input and the content of the prompt words, and determine the subsequent logical direction.

Simply put, it can be realized based on the Spark model Think -> Execute closed-loop process.

Generate popular copywriting on Xiaohongshu with one click, an AI intelligent platform suitable for beginners

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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