Baidu and NVIDIA jointly launched the "2024 Baidu Search·Cultural Intelligence Innovation Competition" with a total prize of nearly 500,000 yuan

BaiduToday announcedNvidiaCo-initiate "2024 Baidu Search WenxinAgentInnovation Competition” has 2 major tracks and 5 competition topics.

Baidu and NVIDIA jointly launched the "2024 Baidu Search·Cultural Intelligence Innovation Competition" with a total prize of nearly 500,000 yuan

Specific tracks:

  • Technology Track
  • The task of the contestants is to develop an LLM-based agent that, given a large set of tools, intelligently orchestrates and schedules these tools to answer complex questions in an open domain.
  • Intelligent Application Track
  • Participants need to create a life and entertainment intelligent body based on the Wenxin Intelligent Body Platform based on people's daily life needs, and provide users with new and innovative gameplay or leisure services.
  • Intelligent Application Track
  • Participants need to work with industry experts to create a vertical expert agent based on the Wenxin Agent Platform that is practical and has high user question satisfaction.
  • Intelligent Application Track
  • Participants need to create an intelligent agent that can provide service support in commercial activities or commodity transactions based on the Wenxin Intelligent Agent Platform and with the help of the platform's advanced configuration capabilities such as commercialization and workflow.
  • Intelligent Application Track
  • There are no specific requirements for this track. Participants are welcome to use their imagination to create real and usable intelligent agents to provide practical help to people.

Baidu revealed that this competition will provide the winning intelligent agent developers withA total of nearly 500,000 yuan in cash prizes were awardedIn addition, contestants can also obtain technical support from Baidu, free access to the Wenxin Big Model 4.0 capabilities, use the Agent framework, and a series of intelligent agent development courses.

Registration has started, the schedule is as follows:

  • August 29: 2024 Baidu Search Wenxin Intelligent Innovation Competition,Registration starts.

  • August 29th - October 7th: A series of live broadcasts and video courses, as well as 5 offline salons, will be provided. Participants will submit their works according to the preliminary requirements.

  • October 18th - October 25th: The finalists will be announced and contestants will submit their entries according to the final requirements.

  • Mid-November: Offline awards ceremony.

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