Avatar: An AI tool that generates real-life avatars in a variety of styles

Avatar: An AI tool that generates real-life avatars in a variety of styles

Avatar ai, an AI tool dedicated to generating real-life avatars, can also upload avatars of animals such as cats and dogs. The operation is very simple, similar to MiaoYa Camera. The goal of AvatarAI is to allow everyone to have their own unique avatar that suits their personal style.

You only need to upload a photo and select the style you like, and Avatar AI can generate a unique avatar for you. If you are not satisfied with the result, AvatarAl also provides a wealth of adjustment options for you to fine-tune according to your preferences until you are satisfied, so that you can get an avatar that fully matches your personal style.

Avatar Function

  1. Create your own AI robot: Train your own AI robot and use AI photography. Upload 20 photos, including 10 close-up photos, 5 half-length photos, and 5 full-length photos, with different expressions and shoulders, as many locations, backgrounds, and angles as possible, as many times as possible, and photos that look directly at the camera and those that don't, and input these images into your AI character.
  2. Design realistic scenes: Design any scene you want, imagine shooting it in the comfort of your living room, wearing appropriate 1920s clothing: a photo of a sun-drenched Parisian cafe or a beach in Bali under the sun. Simply describe the scene you want, and the model will generate highly realistic photos that match your vision.
  3. Try on clothes: Get clothes you like from the web and import them into Avatar AI, and let your AI robot try on different clothes and styles.
  4. Magic Editor: Use Photo AI's Magic Editor to select what you don't like from the generated photos, write down how you want to change them, and Avatar AI will change it according to your wishes.

Official website link:https://photoai.com/ 

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