AI Musk "appeared" in thousands of fake ads, and an octogenarian in the United States was defrauded of nearly $700,000

According to a report by The New York Times on the 14th,MuskThe image of the person appeared in thousands of Facebook accounts after being "deep-forged" by AI.False advertising, resulting in billions of dollars in fraud.

AI Musk "appeared" in thousands of fake ads, and an octogenarian in the United States was defrauded of nearly $700,000

The report mentioned one victim, 82-year-old retiree Steve Beauchamp. He just wanted money to support his family and thought Musk could help. Late last year, he saw a video in which "AI Musk" endorsed an aggressive investment opportunity that promised "quick returns." Steve contacted the company behind the ad and opened an account for $248.

Through a series of trades over several weeks, Steve drained his retirement account and eventually investedOver $690,000(Currently about RMB 4.949 million), this money was "robbed" by the fraud group.

The fraud group edited Musk's real interview and used AI to replicate it.Voice, lip shapeThe production cost is only a few dollars and can be completed in a few minutes. For ordinary viewers, this operation is oftenHard to detect, because the AI-generated content can well "restore" Musk's iconic dull tone and South African accent.

AI Musk "appeared" in thousands of fake ads, and an octogenarian in the United States was defrauded of nearly $700,000

Reports say that in recent months, thousands of AI Fake VideosThe AI Musk in the video was so real that it deceived dozens of potential investors. According to research firm Deloitte, AI-driven deepfake content is expected to cause 5.3 trillion U.S. dollars of fraud each year.Billions of dollarsfraud losses.

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