Shanghai: Support universities to strengthen AI research and update equipment whose performance cannot meet configuration standards

Shanghai: Support universities to strengthen AI research and update equipment whose performance cannot meet configuration standards

ShanghaiThe municipal government today released the "Special Action Plan to Promote Large-Scale Equipment Updates in Shanghai's Education Sector", which will support the configuration and updating of teaching equipment, implement the construction standards for professional practical training teaching equipment in vocational schools, and promote middle schools to strengthen the configuration and updating of teaching instruments and equipment.

Summary of main contents:

promoteColleges and universitiesConfigure teaching equipment for key disciplines and featured fields, and accelerate the replacement of advanced teaching equipment

  • The focus is on strategically urgent and emerging fields such as integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, quantum technology, life and health, aerospace, materials, energy, as well as the construction of new engineering, new medicine, new agriculture, and new liberal arts.Update equipment that does not meet teaching needs, whose performance cannot meet teaching-related configuration standards or affects safety of use, and has reached the minimum service life. Support colleges and universities to strengthenArtificial Intelligence Research, actively explore how AI can empower the transformation of traditional disciplines, and promote the construction and development of computing platforms, robots and other fields.

Promote middle schools to strengthen the configuration and update of teaching equipment

  • In accordance with the "Guidelines for the Equipment Allocation of Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai" (Senior High School Volume) (Junior High School Volume), standardize and guide the scientific allocation of educational equipment in secondary schools, and effectively guarantee and support the educational and teaching activities of schools. Guide districts and schools to apply the "Shanghai Ordinary Primary and Secondary School Teaching Equipment Allocation Standards" information system, and be familiar with the basic requirements for the allocation of experimental teaching equipment. According to the implementation of the new curriculum, experimental teaching and evaluation requirements, timely update the allocation of teaching equipment for related subjects in secondary schools.

Improve the digitalization and intelligence level of equipment in teaching and training places

  • Support colleges, vocational schools, and middle schools to promote the digital and intelligent transformation of education, includingCampus network upgrade, information system integration and upgrade, network security capability enhancementetc., to provide support for expanding the coverage of high-quality educational resources, improving the level of educational governance and educational modernization. Continue to promote the upgrading of computer terminals in colleges, vocational schools and middle schools with guaranteed quality and quantity. Promote the construction of smart campuses, smart classrooms, smart laboratories, smart libraries, etc.

Promote the construction of artificial intelligence-related hardware in the education field

  • Support colleges and universities to strengthen artificial intelligence research and actively explore AI empowers and transforms traditional disciplines, promoting the construction and development of computing power platforms, robots and other fields.

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