Nature: Google AI papers have an absolute advantage in citations, while Tencent and Alibaba are among the top ten in the world

In the fierce competition of artificial intelligence, who is the real leader? Recently, a new report from the PARAT database unveiled the mystery of the global AI industry and presented an amazing competitive landscape.NatureThe data highlighted in the magazine not only overturns our inherent cognition, but also shows us the latest development trends in the field of AI.

In one corner of this arena, the US-based Alphabet (Googleparent company) and Microsoft, two technology giants, have becomeAI PapersThe absolute advantage in citation volume makes them the best in the industry. At the other end of the arena, China's Baidu and Tencent have shown strong potential with their astonishing number of patent applications.

Nature: Google AI papers have an absolute advantage in citations, while Tencent and Alibaba are among the top ten in the world

The referee of this competition is the PARAT database of the Emerging Technology Observatory (ETO). As part of the Center for Security and Emerging Technologies (CSET), this think tank located at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service provides us with a new perspective on the development trends of AI by tracking AI activities in the private sector, including research papers, patent publications, and talent indicators.

Ngor Luong, senior analyst at CSET, emphasized that in today's AI world, cutting-edge research is no longer confined to the ivory tower, but is also thriving in the industry. This view is strongly supported by PARAT data. Surprisingly, China's large companies have performed well in this field. Chief analyst Zachary Arnold pointed out that although some people may be skeptical about the research quality of Chinese companies, the data shows that Chinese companies such as Tencent, Alibaba and Huawei are among the top ten in the world in terms of the number of highly cited AI papers and preprints.

In this AI competition, there is one highlight that stands out. The paper “Attention Is All You Need” published by the Google team in 2017 proposed the revolutionary Transformer architecture and became the most cited paper in all AI research. This paper is like the North Star in the field of AI, guiding the development direction of the entire industry.

But the performance of Chinese institutions is equally impressive. For example, the ICNet paper on real-time semantic segmentation method co-authored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tencent, SenseTime and other institutions has been cited more than 1,700 times, demonstrating China's strength in AI research.

Competition in the field of patent applications is even more intense. In the past decade, among the top ten companies with the largest number of AI patent applications, only three are American companies, and the rest are distributed in China, Germany and South Korea. This data not only shows the globalization trend of the AI industry, but also reflects the competitive situation of various countries in the field of AI.

The PARAT database also reveals a little-known fact: many companies that are not famous for AI innovation are actually surprisingly active in the field of AI. This reminds us that while paying attention to technology giants, we should not ignore potential dark horses.

In the key battleground of talent competition, PARAT presents us with a vivid picture by analyzing the number of AI positions on LinkedIn. Amazon ranks first with 14,000 AI positions, followed by the multinational consulting firm Accenture. These data not only reflect the companies' thirst for AI talents, but also show their investment and ambition in the field of AI.

Through the multi-dimensional analysis of the PARAT database, we can comprehensively examine the performance of various companies in the field of AI. These data are like a mirror, not only reflecting the current competition landscape of the AI industry, but also predicting future development trends.

In this AI war without gunpowder, the technology giants of the United States and China are undoubtedly the protagonists. But as more and more countries and companies join the competition, the future of AI will be even more exciting. As witnesses of this era, we have reason to believe that the rapid development of AI technology will have a profound impact on human society, change our way of life, and reshape our future.


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