The Brazilian government has invested nearly $4.1 billion in artificial intelligence to achieve technological independence and high competitiveness

According to Reuters,BrazilThe government announced a $4.07 billion (23 billion reais, currently about 29.499 billion yuan)AIInvestment plan proposal to developSustainable and socially orientedAs Latin America's largest economy, the country hopesAchieve technological independence and improve competitiveness in the field of AI, and get rid of dependence on imported AI tools from other countries.

The Brazilian government has invested nearly $4.1 billion in artificial intelligence to achieve technological independence and high competitiveness

Image source: Pexels

The proposed investment is expected toPublic health, agriculture, environment, business and educationMany of these initiatives include developing AI systems to facilitate consumer services and other operational procedures.

According to the Brazilian government, the $4.07 billion investment plan for AI will be Between 2024 and 2028Of this, nearly 14 billion reais (currently about 18.04 billion yuan) will be used for business innovation projects, and more than 5 billion reais (currently about 6.443 billion yuan) will be invested in AI infrastructure and development. The rest of the resources are expected to be usedTraining programs, improving public services, supporting AI regulatory measuresAnd the “immediate results” plan mentioned above.

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