tabnine ai: AI programming assistant tool software based on artificial intelligence

tabnine ai: AI programming assistant tool software based on artificial intelligence

Tabnine AI is an artificial intelligenceAI Programming Assistant, which can provide the best code completion function in your favorite IDE, including single line code, function, code block, etc. It can also be locally adapted according to your code base and knowledge base, reflecting the knowledge and best practices of your organization. It supports more than 30 languages and 15 IDEs, including JavaScript, Python, Java, Typescript, C/C++, etc. Whether you are a novice or an expert, Tabnine AI can provide you with intelligent code suggestions to make your programming easier and more enjoyable.

Tabnine AI is based on deep learning technology, which uses a large amount of open source code and documentation, as well as your own code and knowledge, to train a powerful neural network model, so that it can understand the semantics and logic of the code and generate appropriate code completion.

Tabnine AI not only provides syntactically correct code, but also provides code that matches your coding style and habits, as well as code that is relevant to your project. Tabnine AI can also dynamically adjust the order and content of code suggestions based on your input and context, allowing you to quickly select and insert the code you want.


Cloud and local modes

Tabnine AI has two modes, cloud mode and local mode. Cloud mode means that Tabnine AI will send your code to the cloud server, and the powerful neural network model in the cloud will generate code completion. Local mode means that Tabnine AI will run a lightweight neural network model on your local device to generate code completion. You can choose to use cloud mode or local mode, or use both modes at the same time according to your needs and preferences.

The advantage of cloud mode is that you can enjoy the powerful computing power and data resources of the cloud, and get richer and more accurate code completion. Cloud mode also allows you to synchronize your code and settings on different devices, so that you can program anytime, anywhere. The disadvantage of cloud mode is that you need to have a stable network connection and a certain amount of network traffic. Cloud mode may also involve privacy and security issues of your code because your code will be sent to the cloud server.

The advantage of local mode is that you can use Tabnine AI offline without relying on a network connection. Local mode also protects the privacy and security of your code because your code does not leave your local device. The disadvantage of local mode is that you need to have sufficient local storage space and memory, as well as a certain amount of local computing power. Local mode may also not provide the same code completion quality and quantity as cloud mode.

Deep completion and semantic completion

Tabnine AI has two types of code completion, deep completion and semantic completion. Deep completion means that Tabnine AI will use deep learning technology to generate code completion. Semantic completion means that Tabnine AI will use semantic analysis technology to generate code completion. You can choose to use deep completion or semantic completion, or use both at the same time, according to your needs and preferences.

The advantage of deep completion is that you can get more innovative and flexible code completion, including some code that you may not have thought of. Deep completion can also provide more diverse and personalized code completion, including some code that conforms to your coding style and habits. The disadvantage of deep completion is that you may need to spend more time and energy to check and modify the code generated by deep completion to ensure the correctness and rationality of the code. Deep completion may also generate some code that does not meet your project requirements and specifications.

The advantage of semantic completion is that you can get more accurate and reliable code completion, including some code that conforms to the syntax and logic of the code. Semantic completion can also provide more relevant and practical code completion, including some code related to your project. The disadvantage of semantic completion is that you may not be able to get some code completion that goes beyond the semantics and logic of the code, including some creative and interesting code. Semantic completion may also lack some diversity and personalized code completion, including some code that conforms to your coding style and habits.

Code summarization and code refactoring

Tabnine AI can not only provide you with code completion, but also provide you with code summary and code refactoring functions. Code summary means that Tabnine AI will generate a short text description based on your code to summarize the function and purpose of your code. Code refactoring means that Tabnine AI will generate an optimized code version based on your code to improve the quality and efficiency of your code. You can choose to use code summary or code refactoring, or use both functions at the same time according to your needs and preferences.

The advantage of code summaries is that you can quickly understand the meaning and role of your code without reading the entire code. Code summaries can also help you add comments and documentation to your code, improving the readability and maintainability of your code. The disadvantage of code summaries is that you may not get a complete and accurate description of the code because the code summary may ignore some details and special cases. Code summaries may also produce some text descriptions that do not conform to your language and style because code summaries are generated by machines.

The advantage of code refactoring is that you can improve the performance and stability of your code and reduce the errors and redundancy of your code. The disadvantage of code refactoring is that you may need to spend more time and energy to check and confirm the code generated by code refactoring to ensure that the function and purpose of the code have not changed. Code refactoring may also generate some code that does not conform to your coding style and habits because the code refactoring is generated by a machine.

Product Price

Tabnine AI has three different product versions, namely Free Edition, Personal Edition and Professional Edition. You can choose the product version that suits you according to your needs and budget. Below we will introduce the product prices of Tabnine AI, as well as the main features and differences of each version.

Free Version

The free version is the basic version of Tabnine AI. You can use the core functions of Tabnine AI for free, including cloud mode, semantic completion, code summary, etc. The limitation of the free version is that you can only use Tabnine AI's public models and cannot use Tabnine AI's private models. Public models refer to models that Tabnine AI trains using open source code and documents, and private models refer to models that Tabnine AI trains using your own code and knowledge. Public models may not be able to provide code completion related to your project, and private models can provide more personalized and adaptive code completion. The free version also has some other limitations, such as the number of code completions per day, the length of each code completion, the number of code summaries per month, etc.

Personal Edition

The Personal Edition is an advanced version of Tabnine AI. You can use all the features of Tabnine AI, including cloud mode, local mode, deep completion, semantic completion, code summary, code refactoring, etc. The advantage of the Personal Edition is that you can use Tabnine AI's private model to generate code completion based on your own code and knowledge. The Personal Edition also allows you to customize Tabnine AI's settings and parameters, such as selecting your favorite language and IDE, adjusting the order and content of code completion, turning certain features on or off, etc. The price of the Personal Edition is $9.99 per month, or $99 per year, which is equivalent to $8.25 per month.

Professional Edition

Professional Edition is an advanced version of Tabnine AI. You can enjoy the best experience of Tabnine AI, including all the features of the Personal Edition, as well as some features unique to the Professional Edition. Unique features of the Professional Edition include team collaboration, code review, code analysis, etc. Team collaboration means that you can share your private models with your team members, allowing your team to use the same code completion to improve the efficiency and consistency of your team. Code review means that you can use Tabnine AI to check the quality and specifications of your code, and find and fix errors and problems in your code. Code analysis means that you can use Tabnine AI to analyze the performance and optimization of your code, and find and improve the bottlenecks and defects of your code. The price of the Professional Edition is $29.99 per month, or $299 per year, which is equivalent to $24.92 per month.

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