Beijing's artificial intelligence sector is developing rapidly, with the number of large models accounting for more than 40% of the country's total in the first half of the year

According to the NKJV.BeijingThe city recently held a press conference on the economic situation and policy interpretation in the first half of the year, at which it disclosed that the city was inAIremarkable achievements in the field. It is reported that in the first half of 2024, Beijing realized a major breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence, and the city's cumulative onlineLarge Model71 models, accounting for more than 40% of the national total, highlighting Beijing's leading position in the development of AI technology.

Beijing's artificial intelligence sector is developing rapidly, with the number of large models accounting for more than 40% of the country's total in the first half of the year

Source Note: The image is generated by AI, and the image is authorized by Midjourney

The data showed that the added value of the city's digital economy grew by 7.8% year-on-year, with the information service industry realizing an added value of 494.46 billion yuan, an increase of 12.4% year-on-year, contributing 2.6 percentage points to GDP growth.

This achievement is closely related to the artificial intelligence industry development strategy formulated by Beijing last year. According to previous reports, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology had announced that it would comprehensively strengthen the foundation for the development of the AI industry, support head enterprises to build a large model that can be benchmarked against ChatGPT, and focus on building an application ecosystem of open-source frameworks and generalized large models. At the same time, Beijing also plans to strengthen the layout of AI arithmetic infrastructure and accelerate the supply of AI basic data, in order to help build an international science and innovation center and a global digital economy benchmark city.

The data from the conference further confirms Beijing's progress in implementing this strategy, demonstrating the city's strong strength and broad prospects in the field of artificial intelligence.


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