Survey shows that nearly a quarter of Japanese companies have already used AI in their business, but more than 40% still have no plans

On the 18th local time, Reuters and Nikkei Research jointly released a survey, the results of which showed that among the respondents 506 companiesAmong them, there are nearly 1/4 of companiesHas adopted it in its businessAI, but there are stillEnterprises with more than 40%There are no plans to take advantage of this cutting-edge technology.

Survey shows that nearly a quarter of Japanese companies have already used AI in their business, but more than 40% still have no plans

Image source: Pexels

According to the survey results, about 24% of respondents said they have already introduced AI technology in their business, 35% of respondents said they "have plans to introduce it", and the remaining 41% of respondents said they have already introduced AI technology in their business.There is no such plan yet,illustrateJapanese companiesAcceptance of technological innovationDifferent.

When asked about the purpose of adopting AI, 60% respondents said it was to deal withLabor shortage, 53% respondents said it was becauseCut labor costs, 36% respondents said it was becauseAccelerate R&D.

A manager of a transportation company said, “What factors hinder the introduction of AI in enterprises?”Employees anxious about possible layoffsWhen faced with the same question, respondents from different companies gave different answers, such asLack of technical expertise, large capital expenditures and concerns about reliabilitywait.

The survey also showed that 15% respondentsHave experienced a cyber attack in the past year?, 9% respondents’ business partners had suffered cyber attacks during the same period. When asked about the losses, 23% respondents said they or their business partners had suffered cyber attacks.Temporary business interruption, 4% respondents said they had sufferedInformation Leakage.

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