Quick Look: A large vertical model of the second dimension is being developed, and the intelligent question-answering and IP character interaction applications have started internal testing

LookTian Guicheng, a senior algorithm engineer in the search R&D team, revealed at the Zilliz "User Tech" event on July 11 that Kuaikan Comics is currently trying to build aLarge ModelFine-tune and train quickly.Second DimensionVertical large model of the field.

According to Kuaikan, it claims that it has a very rich RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) application scenario. AI intelligent question and answer and IP character interactionSubstantial progress has been made in the two scenarios, and related AI products have alsoUnder internal testing, users will soon be able to experience the features of new products in the future.

Quick Look: A large vertical model of the second dimension is being developed, and the intelligent question-answering and IP character interaction applications have started internal testing

According to reports, the implementation scheme behind IP character interaction is a large role-playing model + knowledge base RAG, which is divided intoOriginal plot knowledge baseandUser personalized memory knowledge baseThe official also said, "We hope to derive IP character interactive applications through these IPs, where users can interact with the characters in the IP.Immersive Chat,Rather than a purely virtual characterThis is what makes the Kuaikan IP character interaction different from the common virtual role-playing applications on the market.”

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