AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

Recently, AI video technology has become popular again on major platforms, especially videos that make old photos move, which not only plays the emotional card, but also gives many classic TV series a new lease of life. This technology makes photos that originally lay quietly in the album come alive through the magic of AI, as if returning to that era.

AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

However, with the rise of this trend, some industrial chains that use information asymmetry to make money have also emerged in the market. For example, some people have started to sell AI video services at a price of 49.9 yuan. However, this is actually a technology that can be done by yourself. It is not only simple, but also saves unnecessary expenses.

Old photos videoProduction ideas:

HD restoration of old photos——Colorize old photos——Make old photos come alive

Next, I will explain to you the detailed production tutorial:

1. High-definition restoration of old photos

Generally, old photos will be damaged or blurry.AI HD Repair ToolPerform preliminary processing. If you don't know what tool to use, you can visit our product column to check:

existAI ImageYou can find the HD picture enlargement area in the category

If you have Meitu in your phone, you can also use it to zoom in directly. Note that if your old photos are severely damaged and the details are no longer clear, it is generally difficult to repair them with AI tools, and you need to go to Taobao to find manual repair tools.

If it is just ordinary blur, you can use the image quality restoration function of Meitu XiuXiu. Even if you are not a member, you can choose high-definition restoration. For relatively blurry old photos, the effect is good enough.

Here's a black and white photo of Audrey Hepburn for testing.

AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

Open the Meitu APP, find the HD restoration entrance on the homepage, and enter the image quality restoration page. Here Meitu provides three options: HD, Ultra HD, and AI Ultra HD. Ultra HD is limited to 5 free times per day, and AI Ultra HD is limited to 2 free times per day.

AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

After the repair is completed, the repaired photo is more than 3M. Because AIbase has a limit on the size of images uploaded to the website, here is a screenshot of the repaired version.

AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

You can see that the restored image is very clear, and the noise in the old photo has been removed. Basically, the ideal effect has been achieved, and the next step of coloring can be carried out.

2. Colorize black and white photos

You can use, a website that provides AI-based coloring services. Although you need to pay to download the high-definition logo-free version, you can achieve unlimited downloads through the points you get for free with a newly registered account.

As you can see, after uploading the photo, the website will provide multiple color schemes, you can choose the one you like. When downloading, remember to click on the high-definition and no logo next to it.

If you need, please visit: 

AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

3. Use AI to make photos move

Here we recommend using Kuaishou's KeLing, which is an AI video generation tool based on the DiT model. It has a very good recognition effect on Asians, and most importantly - it is free.

You just need to download the Kuaishou app, find the AI Video module in the AI gameplay, upload the photos you have repaired and colored, and the system will automatically process them to make the characters in the photos move. Click on the AI Video page here and select Image Video.

AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

Simply enter your subject (girl), action (smile, wink), here you can enter the prompt words according to your needs, click to generate the video, and wait. The waiting time varies depending on the situation. Generally, a simple one can be completed in 2-5 minutes, and some complex ones may take 20 minutes or more.

If you cannot use Keling, you can also choose to use Jimeng, which produces pictures and videos. The effect of Jimeng is still good.

Product entry: 

AI makes photos move, and the popular AI "revives" old photos from 40 years ago. Mobile phones can do it! Teach you how to use AI to restore old photos in high definition

Remember to select slow speed for exercise. Users with fewer points can select standard mode. Here, smooth mode is selected, which consumes 36 points for 6 seconds.

Finally, you can import the generated video into video editing software such as Jianying, add music and some editing, and you will have a memory movie of your own. The following is the generated effect video:

The overall effect is pretty good, and the characters are quite lively. In addition to making old photos move, the same approach can also be applied to "AI resurrecting famous scenes from movies and TV series", except that the old photos are replaced with some classic photos from movies and TV series.

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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