The Shanghai Declaration on Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence was released

The Shanghai Declaration on Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence was released

According to Xinhua News Agency, on July 4, 2024 World Artificial Intelligence ConferenceThe High-level Conference on Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence issued the "Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence"ShanghaiDeclaration of the United Nations” (hereinafter referred to as the “Declaration”).

The Declaration mentions advocating the spirit of openness and sharing, promoting the exchange and cooperation of global artificial intelligence research resources, establishing a cooperation platform, promoting technology transfer and achievement transformation, promoting fair distribution of artificial intelligence infrastructure, avoiding technical barriers, and jointly improving the development level of global artificial intelligence.

The 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2024) was held in Shanghai from July 4 to 6. The theme of the conference was "Promoting sharing through consultation and promoting wisdom through good governance". It was co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Association for Science and Technology and the Shanghai Municipal Government.

The full text is as follows:

Shanghai Declaration on Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence

We are deeply aware of the profound impact and huge potential of artificial intelligence on the world, and realize that artificial intelligence is leading a scientific and technological revolution and profoundly affecting human production and life. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, we are also facing unprecedented challenges, especially in terms of security and ethics.

We emphasize the necessity of jointly promoting the development and application of artificial intelligence technology, while ensuring its safety, reliability, controllability and fairness in the development process, and promoting artificial intelligence technology to empower human social development. We believe that only through global cooperation and efforts can we fully tap the potential of artificial intelligence and bring greater well-being to mankind.

1. Promoting the development of artificial intelligence

We are willing to actively promote research and development to unleash the application potential of artificial intelligence in various fields such as medicine, education, transportation, agriculture, industry, culture, ecology, etc. We will encourage innovative thinking, support interdisciplinary research cooperation, and jointly promote breakthroughs in artificial intelligence technology and its development for good. We will jointly pay attention to and alleviate the impact of artificial intelligence on employment, and guide and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of artificial intelligence-enabled human work.

Advocate the spirit of openness and sharing, promote the exchange and cooperation of global artificial intelligence research resources. Establish a cooperation platform, promote technology transfer and achievement transformation, promote fair distribution of artificial intelligence infrastructure, avoid technical barriers, and jointly improve the development level of global artificial intelligence.

Ensure high-quality data development with high-level data security, promote the lawful, orderly and free flow of data, oppose discriminatory and exclusive data training, cooperate to create high-quality data sets, and inject more nutrients into the development of artificial intelligence.

Establish a cooperation mechanism, vigorously promote the use of artificial intelligence to empower all walks of life, take the lead in accelerating intelligence in manufacturing, logistics, mining and other fields, and simultaneously promote the sharing of related technologies and standards.

We are committed to cultivating more AI professionals, strengthening education and training, talent exchange and cooperation, and improving AI literacy and skills worldwide.

We call on all countries to uphold the principles of people-centeredness and intelligence for good, and ensure that all countries have equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal rules in the development and use of artificial intelligence technologies, without any form of discrimination.

Respect the right of all countries to independent development, encourage all countries to formulate artificial intelligence strategies, policies, laws and regulations in accordance with their national conditions, and call for compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries where products and services are provided, compliance with applicable international law, and respect for their economic and social systems, religious and cultural traditions, and values in international cooperation on artificial intelligence technologies, products, and applications.

2. Maintaining AI Security

We attach great importance to the security issues of artificial intelligence, especially data security and privacy protection. We are willing to promote the formulation of data protection rules, strengthen the interoperability of data and information protection policies of various countries, and ensure the protection and legal use of personal information.

We recognize the necessity of strengthening supervision and creating auditable, supervised, traceable and trustworthy AI technology. We will look at the problem from a development perspective, and use AI technology to prevent AI risks and improve the technical capabilities of AI governance under human decision-making and supervision. We encourage countries to formulate corresponding laws and regulations based on their national conditions, establish a risk level testing and assessment system and a science and technology ethics review system, and on this basis, encourage the industry to formulate more timely and agile self-regulatory norms.

We are willing to strengthen AI-related cybersecurity, enhance the security and reliability of systems and applications, prevent hacker attacks and malware applications, and jointly combat the manipulation of public opinion and the fabrication and dissemination of false information, while respecting and applying international and domestic legal frameworks.

Cooperate to prevent terrorists, extremist forces and transnational organized crime groups from using artificial intelligence technology to engage in illegal activities, and jointly combat the theft, tampering, disclosure and illegal collection and use of personal information.

Promote the formulation and adoption of ethical guidelines and norms for artificial intelligence with broad international consensus, guide the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology, and prevent its misuse, abuse or malicious use.

3. Building an AI governance system

We advocate the establishment of a global AI governance mechanism, support the United Nations in playing a leading role, welcome strengthening North-South and South-South cooperation, and enhance the representation and voice of developing countries. We encourage international organizations, enterprises, research institutions, social organizations, individuals and other diverse entities to actively play roles that match their own roles and participate in the construction and implementation of the AI governance system.

We are willing to strengthen cooperation with international organizations, professional institutions, etc. to share AI testing, evaluation, certification and regulatory policy practices to ensure that AI technology is safe, controllable and reliable.

Strengthen the supervision and accountability mechanism of artificial intelligence to ensure the compliant use of artificial intelligence technology and accountability.

IV. Strengthening social participation and improving public literacy

We are willing to establish a diversified participation mechanism, including public consultation and social surveys, to allow the public to participate in the AI decision-making process.

Strengthen the public's cognition and understanding of artificial intelligence, and improve the public's awareness of the safety of artificial intelligence. Carry out popular science activities, popularize artificial intelligence knowledge, and improve the public's digital literacy and safety awareness.

5. Improving the quality of life and social welfare

We are willing to actively promote the application of artificial intelligence in the field of sustainable development, including industrial innovation, environmental protection, resource utilization, energy management, and the promotion of biodiversity. We encourage innovative thinking and explore the potential and contribution of artificial intelligence technology in solving global problems.

Committed to using artificial intelligence to improve social welfare, especially in the fields of healthcare, education, and elderly care.

We are fully aware that the implementation of this declaration requires our joint efforts. We expect that governments, the scientific and technological community, the industrial community and other stakeholders around the world can actively respond to this, jointly promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence, jointly maintain the security of artificial intelligence, and empower the common future of mankind.

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