Robin Li: Wenxin Quick Code is gradually penetrating Baidu. About 30% of code is generated by AI.

In 2024World Artificial Intelligence Conferenceof the main forum on industrial development.BaiduFounderRobin LiHe gave a speech. He emphasized that in the era of artificial intelligence, it is more important to develop "super-competent" apps than to pursue "super apps" with 1 billion daily active users (DAU). According to Robin Li, it is important to think beyond the mobile era to avoid falling into the "super app trap" and realize that the definition of success should not be limited to the number of users.

Robin Li suggested that intelligences are the simplest form of developing AI applications, and also the direction he is most optimistic about the development of AI applications. He noted that open-source macromodels have their value in academic research and teaching, but in commercial competition, closed-source models are more applicable due to their efficiency and cost advantages. He explained that open-source models require larger parameter scales to compete with closed-source models, which can lead to higher inference costs and slower response times. In addition, the use of open-source models may result in an inability to share arithmetic power and benefit from continuous upgrades of the underlying model.

Robin Li: Wenxin Quick Code is gradually penetrating Baidu. About 30% of code is generated by AI.

He also mentioned that after Baidu shifted from an open source model to a closed source model for novel creation, the availability and quality rate of novel generation improved significantly. According to Robin Li, the value of big models lies in their performance in specific applications, not just in the model itself.

Regarding the importance of AI applications, Robin Li cited the example of AI applications in the courier industry to significantly improve efficiency by processing orders through large models. He also mentioned that Baidu'sWenxin Quick CodeIn the field of code generation is gradually penetrating, and within Baidu has about 30% of code generated by AI.

Robin Li predicted that with the enhancement of the basic modeling capabilities, the development of intelligent bodies will become easier and easier, and in the future there will be millions of quantitatively intelligent bodies, forming a huge ecosystem. He used Baidu's Gaoxue intelligent body as an example to illustrate the great potential of intelligent bodies in practical applications.

Finally, Robin Li discussed the question of whether AI will replace human work, and he believes that AI is currently used more as an auxiliary tool than a replacement.The development of AI technology has created some new job opportunities, such as data annotators and cue word engineers. He emphasized that AI is always just a tool, and the purpose is to meet human needs, empower humans, and make life better.

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