Tencent's "AI Translation Company" TransAgents is launched with a cost of only 1/80 of that of professional translators

Tencent AI Labs Launches TransAgents, a Translation Multi-Intelligence Framework Specialized forTranslation of very long literary contentThe company offers translations in Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, and many other languages.

 TransAgents GitHub Address:https://github.com/minghao-wu/transagents

Paper address:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.11804

TransAgents is a "virtual translation company".Mimicking the traditional process of translation and publishing in human societies, containing roles such as Senior Editor, Junior Editor, Translator, and Proofreader, each with their own unique responsibilities and tasks.

Each character has a detailed profile covering language skills, educational background, work experience, and more.It's as if each character is a real personThey use their expertise and experience to work together on the translation of a literary work.

Tencent's "AI Translation Company" TransAgents is launched with a cost of only 1/80 of that of professional translators

▲ Comparison of Traditional Translators and TransAgents

Costs of using TransAgents for literary translationOnly 1/80th of a professional human translatorThe user can set the number of employees in the translation company, as well as the maximum number of conversation rounds and the maximum number of retries.

In actual evaluations, both human evaluators and high-level language models (e.g., GPT-4) preferred TransAgents' translation results. In cases where domain-specific knowledge is required, such as historical context and cultural details, TransAgents even outperforms human translators.

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