AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

On June 28, 2024, a special program jointly hosted by China Media Group, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Security and Informatization Committee, and the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and co-produced by CCTV Video, Guangdong Station and Shenzhen Municipal People's GovernmentChina 2024AI FestivalIt will be broadcast simultaneously on CCTV Comprehensive Channel, CCTV Video, and other platforms.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

Since 2024,AI ApplicationsLanding is getting closer and closer to our real life.

Here, we have collected and organized the AI application scenarios seen from the "2024 China AI Festival" for your convenience in learning and reviewing when needed. We also share them with AI learners, practitioners, and entrepreneurs in need. I hope it will be inspiring to you.

AI application scenarios seen at the 2024 China AI Festival

AI restores the murals of Yongle Palace

If the ancient method is used for restoration, it will take more than ten years to train a professional mural restorer. And just to copy and restore a figure in the mural will require the restorer to work day and night for several months. Fortunately, the development of AI technology has brought new hope to mural restoration.

In November 2023, Yongle Palace and AMD (Advanced Microelectronics Corporation) jointly established a joint digital studio and invited Shengshu Technology to participate. In this way, those who work in cultural relics protection, hardware, and software came together across borders.

Software: Shengshu Technology mainly uses its self-developed multimodal AI large model to repair and complete the murals. The Yongle Palace murals not only inherited the painting style since the Tang and Song Dynasties, but also integrated the technical characteristics of the Yuan Dynasty. It is not an easy task to reproduce the original style. AI must quickly grasp the massive and complex information in the murals, and also learn professional art knowledge such as color, technique, and composition. In just a few months, the AI restorer has reached the level of professional painters in the Yuan Dynasty. It can imitate the painting techniques and handwriting of Yuan Dynasty painters, partially redraw the face of the human body, and complete the missing details. With its own understanding, it automatically repairs the style of the corresponding dynasty.

Hardware: In this race against time, AMD is mainly responsible for the core algorithms and hardware support for AI restoration, using new AMD processors and graphics cards to provide stable computing power support for complex AI large models, allowing it to stay ahead of time and use digital hands to restore the exquisite original appearance of the murals.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

AI Terracotta Warriors

Through the EMO (portrait video creation system) technology of Alibaba Tongyi Laboratory, the Terracotta Warriors are brought to life, allowing dialogues between ancient and modern times and rap in dialect.

Just one audio can make a static image come alive. For example, the Terracotta Warriors sang "Join the Army" together at the 2024 China AI Festival.

In addition, on June 28, Tongyi App also launched a function that allows users to upload a photo and sing the same song as the Terracotta Warriors. For detailed practical tutorials, please refer to the article [AI Learning] How to use AI tools (Tongyi) to make photos sing and read aloud? Free, customizable, with effects and nanny-level tutorials.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

AI Logistics Application

Wuxi Robot Automatic Picking Smart Warehouse, a self-description of an AGV (robot) is as follows:

I am an AGV, an automatic guided transport robot. I work in the largest robot automatic picking smart warehouse in China. Every day, after receiving instructions, I will go to the cargo loading area through the navigation system to load the goods. Then, according to the preset instructions, I will analyze the starting and ending paths and plan the best walking route. Before we appeared, human express sorters had to go back and forth to find and move goods, which was time-consuming and laborious. With us, humans only need to do simple sorting, and the efficiency has increased by three times. My friends and I compete every day to see who is the best.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

AI Agricultural Applications

Yuli County, Xinjiang, a typical scenario for AI agricultural applications.

Using soil monitors, the cotton planting date can be scientifically and accurately predicted.

Remote sensing drones can be used to patrol fields and survey germination rates.

Agricultural unmanned vehicles can be used to spray pesticides, sow seeds and apply fertilizers completely autonomously.

Under the command and dispatch of AI, these large and small instruments and machines each perform their respective functions in this smart agricultural system.

It only takes two people to manage 3,600 mu of high-standard farmland in an orderly manner. And the entire life cycle of cotton can be accurately monitored through a mobile phone.

AI applications really make farming simple and efficient.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

AI Fashion Design

The AI Festival played a fashion show video of Ma Fanshu's digital avatar. The entire scene was designed and constructed using AI video generation technology. In this process, AI motion capture was used to capture the dynamic data of the characters, and AI modeling was used to assist in character design, including AI editing for transition design.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

With the deep integration of AI and the clothing industry, we can make use of some functions in the clothing industry model, such as creating pictures from texts, creating styles from styles, creating styles from AI line drawings, etc., to turn the creativity and inspiration of fashion designers into real pictures that everyone can see.

For example, if I want AI to generate virtual clothing in the shape of peach petals, I can generate a clothing design rendering like this after entering the prompt words.

For example, it is summer now and I want a summer dress in Morandi colors. I input the requirement into the AI system with prompt words, and the AI system can see the effect of wearing the dress. I don't need to put it on myself, and I can know whether the dress is suitable.

AI Home Appliance Manufacturing

Wu Guozhang, planning director of Haier smart refrigerators, said: "Through AI intelligent monitoring, any substandard refrigerator will not escape its eyes."

"In the past, when our refrigerators were inspected before leaving the factory, many inspections had to be done by human eyes. Now we have adopted AI visual recognition and image recognition technology, which can automatically identify. For example, it can detect some small defects on the refrigerator door that are not even noticeable to the human eye. Through these AI technologies, the production efficiency of the entire factory and the quality of the products have been greatly improved."

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

Drone inspection

Guo Xiaobin, deputy general manager of China Southern Power Grid Digital Power Grid Research Institute Co., Ltd., said: "In terms of drone inspection, AI has brought us a revolutionary change. Before these technologies were available, our team masters had to patrol the lines. First, they had to climb over mountains and then climb high towers to see the defects of our equipment. On the one hand, it was indeed very dangerous, and on the other hand, the efficiency was indeed relatively low. With the help of drone inspections and aerial reconnaissance aircraft, we have applied some automatic inspections, including multi-angle photography, to some inspections. We transmit the pictures we take back to the background and use AI technology for analysis. Within one second, we can see whether our equipment has any defects. This has increased the efficiency of our manual inspections by 80 times."

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

AI restores old photos and videos

The "2024 China AI Festival" played AI-restored old Olympic photos, old Olympic videos, and old video restoration effects of Journey to the West from one of the four great classics.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

Regarding the restoration of old Olympic videos, Pan Jinshan, a technical consultant for video restoration at the CCTV Audiovisual Archives, said: "When we first got this video, we found that the quality of the video was still very low. We proposed a video restoration method driven by data and knowledge. We made full use of the useful information in the video. In this way, we solved the problem of scratches and resolution blur. We proposed a time-series prior method, which is equivalent to an AI model. We used all the useful information in the video to effectively remove the blur and noise scratches. In addition, we need to restore its color, and we proposed a very large material library. In such a large model, we can effectively identify the color of the runway in that era, the color of the national flag, and other colors on the athletes' uniforms. In this way, we can achieve high-quality color restoration of black and white images."

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

AI recreates ancient images

A video of AI recreating the image of Su Shi was played at the "2024 China AI Festival". Not only did it reproduce Su Shi through text descriptions of Su Shi in ancient books and ancient portraits, but it also added behavioral movements to Su Shi through AI and made him appear on the stage of the AI Festival.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"
AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

AI Robots

Dabai, a robot manufactured by Uniview Technology, has a strong load-bearing capacity. It can carry a load to patrol and do some power grid inspections, such as in the power inspection industry, to do some dangerous inspections. In some industries such as fire protection, it can do some safety (aspects) early warnings, and do some power inspections in some dangerous pipe corridors.

AI is integrated into thousands of industries. Learn about 10 AI application scenarios from the "2024 China AI Festival"

The above AI application scenarios are summarized as follows:

  • AI restores the murals of Yongle Palace
  • AI Terracotta Warriors
  • AI Logistics Application
  • AI Agricultural Applications
  • AI Fashion Design
  • AI Home Appliance Manufacturing
  • Drone inspection
  • AI restores old photos and videos
  • AI recreates ancient images
  • AI Robots
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