Alipay search integrates AI to further improve the efficiency of intelligent experience of searching services and content

Recently, some netizens discovered thatAlipayIn addition to the familiar services and mini-programs, the search keyword also adds the intelligent answer results of "Smart Assistant" in the core position, and provides users with a one-click direct entrance to available services. After announcing the launch of Alipay's "Smart Assistant" in April, introducing AI financial butler and AI medical assistant at the "2024 Digital China Construction Summit" in May, Alipay launched the "AI Search"Card.

Alipay search integrates AI to further improve the efficiency of intelligent experience of searching services and content

The test found that when searching for keywords such as government affairs, medical health, financial management, and hot events on Alipay, the results and services provided by AI can be triggered. Users can enter the government affairs interface, obtain financial advice, and understand the context of hot events with one click.

Thanks to the rich services and merchants on Alipay, Alipay's smart assistant has achieved from the very beginning that it not only "has a brain and a mouth to communicate", but also "has hands and feet to do things". It can provide information and directly handle matters in dozens of life scenarios related to users' eating, drinking, traveling, doing business, buying tickets, and entertainment.

Search has always been an important entry point for users to access the rich government services and merchant mini-programs in Alipay. After Alipay search is connected to AI capabilities, it can better understand the true intention of users' search behavior, provide users with the services or content they need more directly, simplify the user's usage steps, and make Alipay's rich services and content better and more accurately presented to users.

With the access to AI capabilities and the continuous enrichment of videos, live broadcasts, hot topics, commodities and other related content in Alipay in the past two years, Alipay has also upgraded the structure of the search results page. The layout is simpler and the content is richer. Combined with popular events such as college entrance examination score checking, filling in volunteers, and the European Cup, the search theme page, daily popular videos, and discount and live broadcast aggregation pages have been launched, making it more likely for users to obtain the content they want and get the services they need when searching.

Alipay search integrates AI to further improve the efficiency of intelligent experience of searching services and content

Xi Qing, head of Alipay's search business, said: "The intelligent and content-based upgrades of Alipay's search are intended, on the one hand, to enable users to obtain rich, accurate and useful information through smarter searches; on the other hand, we also hope to make AI technology more accessible to the public through lower barriers, so that the benefits of technological development can benefit more people."

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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