Hugging Face CEO: More and more AI startup founders want to sell their companies

As The decoder reported this Thursday, the open-source AI community Hugging Face CEO Clément Delangue said in an interview in the middle of this month that more and more AI StartupsFounderwishSelling their company, which could signal an imminent consolidation in the AI market.

Hugging Face CEO: More and more AI startup founders want to sell their companies

And on June 13, Hugging Face announced the acquisition of a small company called Argilla for $10 million (currently about Rs. 72,819,000), which is the most Hugging Face has initiated to date.Fourth acquisition.

At the same time, Hugging Face is receiving requests from more companies than ever before, and Clément Delangue says he receives requests every week fromApprox. 10 AI startups are being acquired, and the number of offers received this year is even higherincrease significantly.

Hugging Face, which produces its own AI tools while hosting software for other companies, received $235 million (currently around Rs. 1,711 million) in funding from investors last year, making itValued at $4.5 billion(Hugging Face is a "magnet" for companies eager to be acquired because of the "vast resources" at its disposal.) Because of its "vast resources", Hugging Face has become a "magnet" for companies eager to be acquired.

Of course, Hugging Face doesn't just wait for other companies to reach out to them, but also takes the initiative to enter into partnerships with other businesses. According to Bloomberg, Hugging Face had a partnership with Argilla before it acquired the company. The latter is a software development company that aims to let people collaborate to improve the data sets used to train AI to mimic human language.

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