Leju Kuafu humanoid robot debuts at HDC 2024, equipped with Huawei Cloud Pangu embodied intelligent large model

meet in a groupQuasar humanoid robotDebuted this afternoon at HDC 2024 Huawei Developer Conference, equipped with Huawei Cloud Pangu 具身智能大模型.

Leju Kuafu humanoid robot debuts at HDC 2024, equipped with Huawei Cloud Pangu embodied intelligent large model

▲ Quartet high-fives Pingan Zhang, Managing Director, Huawei Cloud CEO, Huawei

Huawei Managing Director and Huawei Cloud CEO Pingan Zhang, in a session introducing a large model of Pangu's embodied body, showed the audience the quartoHumanoid RobotThe potential shown in industrial and domestic scenarios after equipping the Pangu Embodied Intelligence Grand Model.And high-five interaction with the Quaaludes humanoid robots.

Checking the schedule of HDC 2024, we learned that on June 22, Leng Xiaokun, Chairman of Leju Robotics, will give a keynote report on "Building an Open Ecological Platform of "Humanoid Robot +" and Creating a Generalized Solution of Embodied Intelligence" at the Pangu Embodied Intelligence Large Model Forum; on June 22-23Quaaludes Humanoid Robot to Showcase Cooking Skills, Interact with Visitors at HDC Showcase.

Leju Robotics officially revealed that it has realized the generalized operation of humanoid robots under small samples, and launched tests and scene verification in industrial and family scenes, and the research and development process has opened up the workflow of humanoid robot data collection, cloud training, and deployment reasoning, forming a series of tool chains.

In terms of home scenarios, bothTypical examples of common household chores in life such as stir-frying vegetables and sweeping the floorIn addition, the robot can also be used to perform tasks in collaboration with smart home devices. Take the automatic stir-frying task as an example, under the framework of Pangu's big model of embodied intelligence and embodied agent, the robot can autonomously complete the whole process of embodied planning from scene understanding, natural language command recognition and task planning to the embodied execution of dual-arm collaboration, autonomous execution and generalizable operation.

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