Canalys predicts that the global AI smartphone market share will reach 16% this year and will surge to 54% in 2028, exceeding half for the first time.

according to Canalys Research on the smartphone market with generative AI capabilities predicts that by 2024, theAI PhoneShipments are expected to account for as much as 16%By 2028, that percentage will surge to 54%. From 2023 to 2028, the AI cell phone market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 63%.

Canalys predicts that the global AI smartphone market share will reach 16% this year and will surge to 54% in 2028, exceeding half for the first time.

▲Image from Canalys website

Looking at some of the key figures, the world has 63% of the respondents were interested in the cell phone on the AI Applicationsand AI capabilities are of interest to only 7% of respondents show a very high propensity to be interested in AI phones. Consumers in India and China are much more likely to be interested in AI phones than consumers in Germany and the US.

With a host of Chinese manufacturers such as Huawei, Honor, OPPO, Xiaomi and vivo integrating generative AI functionality into their devices early on, there is a wealth of end-to-end AI smartphone devices available to consumers in mainland China, which is attracting a great deal of interest from consumers. On the other hand, the number of end-to-end AI smartphone devices available to consumers in other smartphone markets is relatively small, so consumers are not as willing to experience them.

In addition, consumer interest in AI is constrained by privacy and data security issues, so vendors need to focus on data security, user privacy and a series of related issues in the development of end-to-end AI smartphone devices, to ensure that users can safely and transparently use their technology or products, is an important path to increase consumer interest.

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