Crack down on virtual anchors? Tencent's new WeChat video account rules intend to restrict digital people from bringing goods

recently,Tencentreview of the implementation of theVideo NumberThe "Windowdancers "Publishing Low-Quality Content" Regulations" were revised, and the revised contents were put out for comment from June 7 to June 13 this year.

The latest program shows that "using plug-ins, AI and other tools to generate avatars for live broadcasting" and "providing, selling, teaching or displaying content that the platform does not advocate the dissemination of: such as explaining and selling avatar substitute broadcasting software" and so on, involve avatars / Digital HumanLive streaming.Will be explicitly listed as low-quality content by the video number, and violations are handled.

Crack down on virtual anchors? Tencent's new WeChat video account rules intend to restrict digital people from bringing goods

Crack down on virtual anchors? Tencent's new WeChat video account rules intend to restrict digital people from bringing goods

According to the surging news reported today, the relevant sources revealed that the use of digital people / virtual people live currently belongs to the platform live bandwagon in the violation of the rules, such as the platform found, will be punished according to the relevant rules.This includes, but is not limited to, reducing live referrals, reducing account referrals, and limiting live banding capabilities.

The source said.The platform wants and encourages real live anchors, can interact with the audience in real time.

Kyodo, however, chose to go in a different direction, not only launching its own virtual anchor "Yanxi", but also produced Liu Qiangdong AI digital person "picking and selling east brother".

It is reported that "Yanxi"Through Jingdong Cloud's intelligent multimodal interaction and image-driven technology, it generates exclusive images and actions, and through AI text generation and voice generation technology, theOutputting bandwagon copy for autobroadcastingThe company claims that it can help merchants reduce the cost of live banding by up to 95% and increase average sales by more than 30%.

April 16 this year, Liu Qiangdong AI digital people "procurement and marketing east brother" will be opened in the "live debut", at the same time debut Jingdong home appliances home, Jingdong supermarket procurement and marketing live room.

In May this year, "digital people live selling fake goods who bear responsibility" on the popular microblogging, many consumers put forward "digital people anchor live room in the end who is selling goods", "if the goods after-sales problems, the enterprise will not be responsibility to the outsourcing of digital human technology companies to kick the ball" and other issues.

In this regard, Rao Wei, deputy director of the Consumer Rights and Interests Committee of the Beijing Lawyers Association and senior partner of Beijing Tianchi Juntai Law Firm, said, "Behind the 'digital person' is actually the individual or company that operates the digital account, and these operators use the image of the digital person for merchandising, which in essence plays the the role of a seller.Therefore, the operator needs to bear the corresponding safety responsibility for the quality of products sold through "digital people". "

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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