Tongyi Farui: AI legal assistant, a legal AI big model assistant tool under Ali Tongyi

Tongyi Farui: AI legal assistant, a legal AI big model assistant tool under Ali Tongyi

General LawIt is an AI legal intelligent assistant application launched by Alibaba Cloud based on the Tongyi big model. Based on advanced natural language processing technology and deep learning algorithms, it is trained with massive legal documents and cases and can provide a series of accurate and efficient legal services.

Different from traditional manual legal consultation, Tongyi Farui uses its powerful data processing capabilities to achieve instant retrieval, intelligent analysis and personalized recommendations of legal knowledge, greatly shortening the response time of legal consultation and services, and improving the accuracy and convenience of services. It can not only provide legal consultation for ordinary users, but also provide auxiliary services such as document generation and case analysis for legal professionals.

The core advantage of Tongyi Farui lies in its powerful natural language processing capabilities, which can understand and answer complex legal questions. At the same time, it can also quickly generate legal documents based on the case information uploaded by users, greatly improving the efficiency of legal work. In addition, Tongyi Farui also has functions such as legal knowledge retrieval, case analysis, and recommendation of similar cases, providing users with a full range of legal services.

Tongyi Farui Function

1. Legal intelligent dialogue

One of the most intuitive features of Tongyi Farui is its intelligent legal dialogue function. Users can communicate with AI through natural language to raise legal questions or express legal needs. Tongyi Farui can understand users' questions and provide professional answers based on regulations and cases. This is demonstrated in actual use. Whether it is simple legal consultation or complex case analysis, Tongyi Farui can give reasonable suggestions and answers.

2. Legal document generation

The writing of legal documents often requires professional knowledge and a lot of time. Tongyi Farui's legal document generation function can automatically summarize legal claims and write legal documents based on the case description provided by the user. This function greatly improves the efficiency of document writing and also reduces the workload of legal workers. In actual tests, the documents generated by Tongyi Farui are standardized in format and accurate in content, meeting the basic requirements of legal documents.

3. Legal knowledge retrieval

The retrieval of legal knowledge is an indispensable part of legal work. Tongyi Farui uses its large model reasoning advantage to improve the accuracy and relevance of searches through semantic understanding. Users can quickly find the required information from a massive database of laws and precedents by uploading materials or describing problems. This function has shown high search efficiency and accuracy in actual use, providing great convenience for users.

4. Case Analysis

Case analysis is an important part of legal work. Tongyi Farui can assist users in case analysis, reasoning about the application of law, and recommending similar cases. This function provides users with valuable reference opinions by analyzing the case information provided by users and combining it with the legal knowledge base. In actual tests, Tongyi Farui's case analysis function showed high logic and professionalism.

5. Recommended similar cases

The recommendation function of similar cases is another highlight of Tongyi Law. By analyzing the user's questions and case, Tongyi Law can recommend relevant cases to help users better understand the judgment trends and legal application of similar cases. This function provides users with additional reference value in actual use and helps improve the accuracy of legal decision-making.

6. Reading of legal texts

The legal text reading function allows users to upload PDF, Word files or pictures, and Tongyi Farui will assist users to read efficiently and extract key points in legal texts. This function is particularly suitable for processing a large number of legal documents, helping users to quickly grasp the core content of the documents. In actual tests, Tongyi Farui's text reading function showed a high processing speed and information extraction ability.


Tongyi Farui is currently in the internal testing stage. For all users participating in the internal testing, the platform is fully open to free trial without paying any fees. This move is intended to collect valuable user feedback and further optimize product performance and experience.

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