Musk promises to start limited production of Optimus Prime humanoid robot next year

At Tesla's shareholders meeting today, ElonMuskdemonstrated a grand vision for the company's future, betting deeply on Tesla's futureOptimuson the robotics program. He is confident that this strategic move will propel Tesla's market capitalization soaring to a staggering multi-trillion dollar level.

Musk promises to start limited production of Optimus Prime humanoid robot next year

Musk made it clear at the conference that Tesla will deploy more than 1,000 Optimus robots in its Superfactory next year, a decision that undoubtedly underscores Tesla's unwavering confidence in robotics, although the specific timetable has been delayed. He even boldly predicted that Tesla's market capitalization is expected to reach 10 times that of the current most valuable company, i.e., more than $30 trillion, a figure far exceeding that of Apple, which currently has the highest market value.

Musk is confident about the market prospects for Optimus robots. He pointed out that the current anthropomorphic robot market has an annual production of up to 1 billion units, of which Tesla plans to capture at least a 10% share. He further revealed that Tesla will build Optimus robots in bulk for about $10,000 per unit and sell them for $20,000, which is expected to bring Tesla up to $1 trillion in profits.

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