Taking photos can measure the degree of hair loss. Alipay launches AI hair self-test tool

According to data previously released by the National Health Commission, more than 250 million people in my country suffer from hair loss, with an average of 1 in 6 people suffering from hair loss. In recent years, the hair loss population has become younger. In order to help deal with the sudden hair loss problem, today,AlipayReleased the "AI Hair Self-Test" tool, users only need to upload a few scalp photos to passAI Big ModelIt can identify the type and level of hair loss and give health advice. Just search for "hair detection" on Alipay to experience it.

Taking photos can measure the degree of hair loss. Alipay launches AI hair self-test tool

"IFirst"The first time I realized I was losing hair was when I saw my daughter's drawing of her father in kindergarten, and he only had three hairs," said Cai Kefa, the person in charge of the Alipay project. He himself was also troubled by hair loss, and the original intention of developing this product was to hope that more people could understand their hair loss level in a timely and scientific manner, and avoid believing in folk remedies such as rubbing the head with potatoes or ginger, and miss out.optimalMaintenance time.

He introduced that the "AI Hair Self-Test" tool was jointly developed by Alipay and doctors from the hair loss clinic of a hospital in Hangzhou. Through Ant Bailing's multimodal large model recognition technology, artificial intelligence and medical image processing, users can take photos and test themselves at home. The entire AI recognition process only takes about half a minute. At the same time, based on cooperation with hospitals, the large model can also rely on professional hair loss symptoms and knowledge bases to provide suitable health suggestions for users through intelligent algorithms.

It is understood that Alipay's AI technology has been put into practice in the medical field. In April this year, Alipay released the "AI Medical Assistant" solution, which uses AI big models, digital humans and other technologies to help medical institutions provide patients with "AI accompanying medical treatment" services before, during and after medical treatment. Previously, the Zhejiang Health Commission had taken the lead in applying and launching the nationalThe firstSince its launch, the digital health app "Anzhener" has covered nearly 100 hospitals, served over one million people, and achieved a user satisfaction rate of 98%.

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