Zhou Hongyi: The large model can be used in smart cars within 2 years!

On the evening of November 11,Zhou HongyiIn the live broadcast room of "Uncle Zhou Hongyi in Red", he joined hands with Nezha Auto to broadcast live and said,Large ModelIn the next two years, it will "enter" the intelligent car system to assist in autonomous driving. At the same time, 360 Group will build a dedicated car model for Nezha Automobile based on 360 Intelligent Brain to improve the response speed of the in-vehicle model. As it was the Double 11 day, Zhou Hongyi even gave away the right to use the car for one year online.

Zhou Hongyi: The large model can be used in smart cars within 2 years!

Due to the sensitivity of being rooted in the "safety" industry, Zhou Hongyi kept a close eye on vehicle safety issues that night, and said, "I work on safety, and I have to provide solutions even for the extremely small probability of one in ten thousand." He believes that there are three aspects of safety issues in smart cars that deserve attention. The first is vehicle collision safety, the second is battery safety, and the third is the safety of smart connected cars. Zhou Hongyi said that as the degree of networking of car companies continues to improve, smart cars can be called "relatively good computers on four wheels." When data drives cars, the security of the cloud brain will bring huge safety risks. Once the data of the cloud brain is attacked and paralyzed, many smart connected cars will "break down." In response, netizens commented that "the questions raised are very critical, and consumers do care."

Zhang Yong, co-founder and CEO of Nezha Auto, said that in the past, more attention was paid to hardware in the process of car manufacturing. In today's AI boom, he began to pay more attention to how software and artificial intelligence big models can be seamlessly grafted on smart cars. Zhou Hongyi believes that in the future, China will not only have one big model, but big models will be ubiquitous like computers, and smart cars will also have on-board big models.

Zhou Hongyi introduced that there should be three steps to get the big model into the car. The first step is to introduce the big model in the cloud. 360 is willing to create an exclusive big model for Nezha Auto to ensure the rapid response of the on-board big model and help smart cars "get on the car" in the cloud. The second step is to use the big model's powerful natural language understanding and processing capabilities to support the smart cockpit, making human-computer dialogue and command smoother. The third step is to bring new improvements to autonomous driving through big models. Zhou Hongyi said that the previous autonomous driving solution paradigm was based on rules rather than deep learning, and the big model can be integrated with autonomous driving deep learning, and will bring real improvements to autonomous driving technology.

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