AIGC introductory tutorial, what is AIGC?

AIGC introductory tutorial, what is AIGC?

I have been writing articles about AI for a while. Many students asked me how to learn AI. Is there any systematic learning of AI knowledge and tutorials?

In the past few decades, artificial intelligence (AI) has gradually moved from the fantasy of science fiction to our real life. Today, content generation technology with AI as the core (AIGC) is creating a revolution in the creative field.

This article will take you into the world of AIGC and learn about itsConcepts, principles, development history, application scenarios, advantages and challenges.

Definition of AIGC

AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) refers to content that is automatically created using artificial intelligence technology, including text, images, audio, video and other forms. Different from traditional content creation methods, AIGC uses technologies such as deep learning, natural language processing and generative adversarial networks to achieve efficient and creative content production. Through training models and learning from large amounts of data, AIGC can generate relevant content based on input conditions or guidance. For example, by entering keywords, descriptions or samples, AIGC can generate articles, images, audio, etc. that match them.

Principle of AIGC

The core principle of AIGC is mainly based on machine learning, especially deep learning and generative adversarial networks (GAN). Simply put, GAN continuously improves the quality of generated content through the game between two opposing neural networks (generator and discriminator). Transformers, on the other hand, can understand contextual relationships through the self-attention mechanism, thereby generating coherent text or other content.

The specific implementation method varies depending on the type of generated content. The following are the main principles and methods of AIGC:

Based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a commonly used method in AIGC, suitable for generating visual content such as images and videos. GAN consists of two parts: Generator and Discriminator.

Generator: Responsible for generating content, it receives a set of random noise vectors and outputs generated data that is similar to the distribution of real data. For example, in the image generation task, the generator generates realistic pictures.

Discriminator: Used to evaluate the authenticity of generated data, it receives real data and generated data and tries to distinguish them. During the training process, the discriminator is continuously optimized to improve the accuracy of distinguishing generated data from real data.

Competition process: The training process between the generator and the discriminator is a game process. The generator is constantly improved to generate data that can deceive the discriminator; while the discriminator is constantly optimized to improve its discrimination ability. Through this adversarial training, the generator is able to generate more and more realistic content.

Based on Autoencoder

Autoencoders are also commonly used generative models, especially in image and audio generation. Autoencoders consist of two parts: an encoder and a decoder.

Encoder: compresses the input data into a low-dimensional latent representation, which is a compact feature representation.

Decoder: reconstructs the latent representation back to the original data, thereby achieving data generation and reconstruction.

Variational Autoencoder (VAE): It is an improved version of the autoencoder, which introduces probability distribution in the encoding process so that the generated data has better continuity and diversity.


Transformer models are widely used in natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as text generation, machine translation, etc. In recent years, transformer architectures have also been used in image generation and other multimodal tasks.

Self-Attention Mechanism: The Transformer uses a self-attention mechanism to capture the dependencies between features at different positions in the input sequence. This makes the Transformer perform well when processing long sequence data.

Pre-trained generative models: Some transformer-based generative models, such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), achieve high-quality text generation through large-scale pre-training and fine-tuning. These models can generate coherent and contextual natural language text.

Based on Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and their variants such as LSTM and GRU perform well in sequence data generation and are suitable for tasks such as text generation and audio generation.

Sequence generation: RNN, through its cyclic structure, is able to memorize and process dependencies in long sequences during the generation process. LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory Network) and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) solve the gradient vanishing and gradient exploding problems in standard RNN through the gating mechanism, thereby generating long sequence data more efficiently.

Multimodal Generation

Multimodal generative models can simultaneously process and generate data in multiple modalities, such as images and text, audio and video, etc. Models such as CLIP and DALL-E achieve cross-modal generation tasks by jointly learning the representation of images and text.

The development history of AIGC

Origins and early exploration

During this period, AIGC was mainly limited to small-scale experiments and applications.

In 1957, the first string quartet created by computer, Iliac Suite, was completed. However, due to the high cost and difficulty in commercialization, the development of AIGC was relatively slow.

In 1966, the world's first human-computer conversation robot, Eliza, was developed. Although it only communicated with users through pattern matching and predefined scripts, it can be regarded as an early attempt at artificial intelligence to generate content.

By the mid-1980s, IBM created the Tangora, a voice-controlled typewriter.

In the 1990s, AI research during this period focused on improving machine learning algorithms and theories, but due to limitations in computing power and data, practical applications were relatively limited.

The rise of deep learning

In the early 1990s, Yann Lecun and his team proposed a convolutional neural network (CNN) called LeNet-5, which was specifically applied to the recognition of handwritten digits. This network structure contains multiple convolutional layers and pooling layers to automatically extract features from images and complete classification through fully connected layers.

In the early 21st century, based on LeNet-5, researchers continued to improve the CNN structure. However, due to the limitations of computing power and data scale at the time, the application of CNN was mainly concentrated on smaller data sets, such as MNIST handwritten digit recognition.

In 2012, AlexNet, developed by Alex Krizhevsky and others, won the 2012 ImageNet image recognition competition, making the application of deep learning in the field of image generation and recognition shine.

In 2014, Ian Goodfellow et al. proposed the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), which greatly improved the realism of generated content through adversarial training of the generator and the discriminator. Early GAN applications mainly focused on image generation, such as generating high-quality images and photo-to-photo conversion.

The Development of Large Language Models

In 2018, the emergence of GPT, the first generative pre-trained model released by OpenAI, marked the official debut of the large language model - GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). The emergence of GPT-1 showed the effectiveness of pre-training and fine-tuning, and it can generate coherent paragraph-level text.

In 2019, GPT-2 was released, containing 1.5 billion parameters and capable of generating high-quality text paragraphs. It sparked discussions about the ethics and safety of AI-generated content because it was able to generate long articles that appeared to be written by humans.

In 2020, GPT-3 was released with 175 billion parameters, demonstrating more powerful generation capabilities and a wide range of application scenarios, including automatic programming, dialogue systems, content creation, etc.

The development of multimodal AI

In 2021, OpenAI released DALL·E, which can generate corresponding images based on text descriptions, combining text generation and image generation across modalities. For example, it can create an image based on a description like "an orange cat on a blue box", which marks a new milestone in AI generation technology.

In 2022, AIGC technology has developed at an astonishing speed, and the iteration speed has shown exponential development. For example, the emergence of ChatGPT and the winning of AI painting works mark the arrival of the era of intelligent creation.

In 2023, the launch of technologies such as GPT-4 and Midjourney V5 further promoted the development of AIGC.

In 2024, global AI will experience explosive growth, and application scenarios will gradually be implemented.

Practical Applications of AIGC

AIGC has demonstrated extensive practical applications in many fields, promoting changes in content creation and generation. The following are some of the main practical application scenarios:

Text Generation

Chatbot: AIGC technology is used to develop intelligent chatbots that can have natural conversations with users and provide services such as customer support and information query. For example, OpenAI's GPT-3 can create a realistic conversation experience.

Virtual assistants: Voice assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant use natural language generation technology to provide users with various services such as weather forecasts, schedules, etc.

Automatic writing: AIGC can generate news reports, blog posts, novels, etc. For example, AI writing tools can assist journalists in generating press releases, reducing their workload.

Poetry and prose creation: Use AI to generate creative poetry and prose, providing a new source of inspiration for literary and artistic creation.

News summary: AIGC automatically generates article summaries to help users quickly obtain key information. For example, news aggregation platforms use AI to generate news summaries to improve the efficiency of information dissemination.

Document generation: Enterprises can use AIGC to generate reports, meeting minutes, etc. to improve office efficiency.

Image Generation

Generate artworks: AIGC can generate artworks of various styles, such as abstract paintings, realistic paintings, etc. For example, the AI-based art creation platform allows users to enter keywords and automatically generate paintings of corresponding styles.

Animation design: AIGC tools can automatically generate animation characters and scenes to assist animation production.

Movie special effects: AIGC can generate movie special effects and 3D models, reducing production time and costs.

Game design: AI is used to generate game scenes, characters, and plots, improving game development efficiency and creative expression.

Generate training data: AIGC can generate a large amount of high-quality image data to help train machine learning models and improve model performance and accuracy.

Audio Generation

Voice assistant: AIGC technology is used to generate natural voice to communicate and interact with users. For example, TTS (Text-to-Speech) technology can provide barrier-free reading services for the visually impaired.

Dubbing and Voice Acting: AI generates realistic voices for dubbing in animation, games, and movies.

Automatic composition: AI can generate melodies, chord progressions, and tracks to assist in music creation. For example, AI music composition software can automatically generate a complete piece of music based on the theme input by the user.

Music generation and mixing: AIGC can generate music of different styles and automatically mix them to improve music production efficiency.

Video Generation

Video production: AIGC tools can automatically generate short video content for use on social media platforms, such as generating a corresponding short video based on a text description uploaded by a user.

Automatic cutting and editing: AI tools can automatically cut and edit videos to generate high-quality short films and advertisements.

Generate virtual scenes: AIGC is used to generate scenes and content in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to enhance user experience.

Interactive experience: Generate virtual characters and interactive content through AI to provide users with an immersive experience.

Multimodal Generation

Visual question answering: Combining images and text, AIGC can implement a visual question answering system to answer information queries based on images. For example, a user uploads a picture and asks a question, and the system generates an answer.

Image generation and description: AIGC models such as DALL-E can generate corresponding images based on text descriptions, or generate detailed text descriptions for images.

Cross-modal search: The user enters a text description, and the AIGC system generates or recommends corresponding images, videos, or audio content based on the description.

Personalized recommendations: By analyzing users’ multimodal data (images, text, audio, etc.), AIGC provides personalized content recommendations.

Advantages of AIGC

With its advantages of high efficiency, creativity, personalization and low cost, AIGC can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of content creation, meet diverse and personalized needs, and show great potential and value in the field of content production and consumption.

Efficiency and automation

AIGC can quickly generate high-quality content, greatly reducing the time cost of content creation. AI can independently complete content generation tasks, reducing manual intervention and management costs. In real-time conversations or interactions, AI can instantly generate content, improve user experience, and generate a large amount of content in a short period of time, which is suitable for scenarios with large-volume content needs such as news reports and marketing copywriting.

Creativity and diversity

AI can break through the limitations of human creativity, generate unprecedented or unique new content, and provide creators with new inspiration and creativity. It can generate content in various forms including text, images, audio and video to meet different creative needs, and can generate content according to different styles and requirements, such as painting style, music type or literary style.

Personalization and customization

By analyzing user behavior and preferences, AI can generate personalized content recommendations, improve user satisfaction and engagement, and generate tailored content such as personalized news push. AI can generate accurate marketing content based on user portraits, improve advertising conversion rates and effectiveness, and can also generate content that interacts with users, such as personalized dialogue systems, to enhance user interaction experience.


AI reduces the reliance on human creators, reduces the company's labor costs and resource consumption, and improves the output rate of content creation. Using AI to generate content also reduces the reliance on physical resources in the traditional content creation process, meets environmental protection needs, and maintains efficient and continuous content production capabilities.

Continuous learning and improvement

AI models continuously optimize the quality and effectiveness of content generation by constantly learning new data and knowledge, and can quickly adapt to new trends and user feedback. AI content generation technology continuously improves the fidelity, accuracy and creativity of generated content through algorithm upgrades and iterations, and uses big data and deep learning to make content generation more accurate and effective.

Business opportunities and scalability

AIGC can be applied to multiple industries, such as media, advertising, education, and medical care, bringing new business opportunities and growth points, and supporting the development of new business models, such as on-demand content generation, subscription services, etc. Through the introduction of AI technology, enterprises can significantly improve the efficiency and innovation of content creation, enhance market competitiveness, and bring revenue growth to enterprises.

Challenges of AIGC

Although AIGC has significant advantages in improving content generation efficiency and reducing costs, it still faces many challenges in content quality, ethics and law, prejudice and discrimination, technical limitations, social impact, and regulatory policies. These challenges require technological progress, improvement of regulatory policies, and joint efforts from all aspects of society to promote the development of AIGC while ensuring the security, fairness, and reliability of its application.

Content quality and authenticity

The accuracy and authenticity of generated content is an important issue.

Error information: AI-generated content may contain misleading information or errors, and the generated content needs to be strictly reviewed and verified.

Low-quality content: Sometimes the quality of AI-generated content is not high and it is difficult to meet high-standard creation requirements, so the algorithm needs to be further optimized.

Ethical and legal issues

AI-generated content raises many ethical and legal challenges.

Copyright issues: The content generated by AIGC involves copyright issues, especially when AI uses existing works for learning and generation.

Data privacy: When generating content, the use and protection of user data becomes a key issue and needs to comply with relevant privacy regulations.

Ethical issues: AI-generated fake news, deepfakes, etc. may cause ethical issues, and relevant ethical norms and regulatory measures need to be established.

Prejudice and discrimination

Biases in the data AI learns from can be passed on to the content it generates.

Data bias: If the data used to train the AI model is biased, the generated content may also be discriminatory or unfair.

Model bias: The AI model itself may have design bias, such as unfair treatment in terms of gender, race, etc., and the model needs to be calibrated for fairness and impartiality.

Technical limitations

The current level of technology cannot fully meet all application requirements.

The diversity and creativity of generated content are still limited: Although AI can generate various types of content, it is still difficult to completely replace human creation in terms of creativity and diversity.

Algorithm complexity: Generating high-quality content requires complex algorithms and huge computing resources, and has high requirements for technology and equipment.

Real-time: In some real-time application scenarios, the speed and response time of AI-generated content still need to be improved.

Social and psychological impact

AI-generated content has a profound impact on users and society.

Dependence: Over-reliance on AI to generate content may lead to a decline in creators’ creative capabilities.

Mental health: False information and deep fake content may have a negative impact on public mental health, and content review and management need to be strengthened.

Regulation and policy

Lack of complete regulatory framework and policy support.

Lack of regulations: Currently, the regulatory policies and laws and regulations for AIGC are still imperfect, and a comprehensive regulatory framework needs to be established.

International coordination: Different countries and regions have different legal provisions on AIGC, and international coordination and cooperation is a challenge.

statement:The content is collected from various media platforms such as public websites. If the included content infringes on your rights, please contact us by email and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

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