Tencent AI Lab develops a new intelligent agent framework TRANSAGENTS specifically for translating very long literary content

TencentAI LabDeveloped byTRANSAGENTS" is an innovative multi-agent framework designed specifically for translating very long literary content. The system simulates the real translation process by creating a virtual translation and publishing company with multiple virtual roles with different responsibilities and professional skills.

Tencent AI Lab develops a new intelligent agent framework TRANSAGENTS specifically for translating very long literary content

The following are the main features of the TRANSAGENTS system:

  • Multi-agent framework: The system consists of multiple virtual characters, each of which plays a different role in the translation process, such asadvancedEditors, junior editors and translators, among others.
  • Division of roles: Each role is responsible for a specific translation task, and the translation of literary works is completed through teamwork.
  • Detailed profiles: Each virtual character has a detailed profile, including language skills, educational background, and work experience, which enhances the authenticity of the simulation.
  • Complex and diverse translation environment: The detailed setting of roles and division of labor and cooperation provide a complex and diverse translation environment, simulating the operation of translation companies in the real world.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The cost of using TRANSAGENTS for literary translation is 80 times lower than using professional human translators, which is a significant cost advantage.
  • Translation quality: In the actual evaluation, the translation results of TRANSAGENTS are evaluated by human evaluators andadvancedLanguage models such as GPT-4 are favored.
  • Domain-specific knowledge: TRANSAGENTS has demonstrated performance that exceeds that of human translators, especially in translation tasks that require domain-specific knowledge, such as historical context and cultural details.

The development of TRANSAGENTS represents a major advancement in AI in the field of literary translation, which can not only provide cost-effective translation services, but also provide high-quality translation results in specific fields. This new multi-agent translation system is expected to play an important role in literary translation and cross-cultural communication in the future.

Paper address: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.11804

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